Thursday, February 04, 2010

Today's Tribune column: "Starving for education."

I felt your pain, and I came up with a solution. All I needed was a pitchman.

BAYLOR: Starving for education

Are you fed up with words you don’t understand? Tired of picking up the newspaper to read your favorite contrarian columnist, then coming to a screeching halt when he uses “troglodyte” and “disgruntlement” in the same sentence?

Hi, Roger Baylor here with an amazing new product — you’ve got to see it to believe it - called the Dictionary, and it’s a do-it-yourself confusion remover with professional results — guaranteed!

Photo credit of the immortal Billy Mays:


  1. But wait--there's more. Order now and we'll throw in the Easy Thesaurus free!

  2. Even though I got to see a teaser to this column the other night, I still am LMAO. Humor and a great message. Good job.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Go ahead and send me one and I'll respond (and pay) later.

  5. I lloked at the adult dvd and bookstore and couldnt find one. Is this offer mail order only and not available in stores?
