Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Say it ain't so, Todor Dimitrov.

New Albany's "Most Likely to Have Been Created by Soviet Bloc Architects from Bulgaria" public building has suffered a wardrobe malfunction, as described by the Tribune's Chris Morris:

Concrete facade at Riverview collapses; No injuries or cost estimates from event

A large concrete facade at Riverview Towers collapsed Monday night, and it’s still not known why the 3,000-pound section fell to the ground.

Heck, that's just another day in the neighborhood -- if your home's in Ploesti or Durres. As part of the investigation, can we learn exactly which local agency foisted this monstrosity on the city in the first place, and the name of the people who designed it?

Show trials are necessary, but we must schedule carefully, as Councilman Cappuccino already has reserved the third floor meeting room for the approaching Pumpkin Patch Aw-Dit.

Can't we just paint the damned thing?


  1. I suspect that the architect was Peter Keating.


  2. This could be the first case in history where a building rejects its own architectural design.

    -Joshua Poe

  3. Those are two funny and insightful comments. Bravo.

    And, JP: Point taken vv Luddite. More to come on the topic.
