Friday, January 22, 2010

Open thread: Council meeting of Thursday, January 21.

Daniel Suddeath's Tribune coverage is here: New Albany City Council OK’s aid for flood victims.

Open that can of worms, Cappuccino: Best line of the story is Coffey's “When it’s our fault, we should do something about it.”

Daniel's deadline forced him to leave before the meeting was finished. Lest the anonymous troglodytes have all the fun, those of you in attendance are encouraged to post results here. I have to run.


  1. Randy, Ann, and I left before 9:30. By 10:30, there was still no CM's at the "afterglow".

    Mr. Price told the Mayor that there should not be any sewer rate increase until over $5 million was paid back to the sewer dept. Said that he had former sewer board memebers that told him that. Kay stood up and told exactly when the finally payment was made back to the sewers. Steve said, "Oh, we weren't told that" and he shut up. Reminded me of the old SNL news skit that ended with "Never mind".

    Once again, he goes into a meeting, says what he is told to say and once someone presents him other information, he is totally lost because he doesn't grasp the issues. It's obvious that he is coached. Again, it doesn't make him a bad person, just a bad councilman.

  2. The private parking permit ordinance was tabled to allow for additional input. Having been critical of the lack of opportunity for discussion, I told Jack Messer (the committee chair) that I appreciated the decision. He's working to schedule a meeting for that input.

    The conspiratorial nature of some of the meetings is still disturbing. Accountability is necessary but continued accusations sans evidence of any actual wrongdoing takes away from the integrity of the process.

    On the first two readings (I think), the council voted to pass ordinance adjustments that will allow traffic fines to be collected by the City rather than other agencies, with fine increments set at $25, $50, and $75 dollars in addition to already set court costs, depending on number of miles an hour over the speed limit. Judge Hancock has agreed to handle traffic court related duties.

    Word on the street is that Keith Henderson is pissed because his slush fund will have a little less slush in it when the City starts keeping its own money.

    President John Gonder continued his attempts to have the council follow the law, which is a good thing.

    King Liar Larry K. was in attendance, presumably to provide counterbalance to Gonder's moves toward legitimacy.

  3. As noted elsewhere, I'm trying to imagine those last agonizing moments as Donnie awaited the final cell phone call that would convince him of which prayer to say.

    As for the remainder of the old guard in attendance, they just keep drifting ever further out of relevance.

    If Barack Obama were beamed aboard the Enterprise tomorrow, there'd still be change, because change is the only constant.

  4. after tuesdays mass. election perhaps Obama needs to be beamed aboard the enterprise, his agenda is DOA, take heed local democrats better pay attention to the steve price fiscal policy or see what happens locally in 2011

  5. Saying "No" to everything is the opposite of having a policy.

  6. Well, Matt, considering who Eco supported for Mayor in the last election, it fits. No debate. No discussion. No ideas.

  7. If Price’s auto maintenance “policy” is like his governance “policy,” he must save money by not changing the oil.

  8. Hey, Dan are you the new Council Attorney?

  9. Council attorney, no. I would not be a good fit for that position.

    If my name was mentioned recently, it’s because I was nominated for the Economic Development Commission. I’m very much looking forward to serving in that capacity.

  10. i supported Garner first then Hubbard IamHoosier, both who had ethics as opposed to the current occupant who has a deficit in that area, just like his current city budget

    Read em and weep in 2011

  11. Yes, I heard your name but I didn't get the whole conversation. They were talking about the council attorney earlier in the meeting and then I heard your name mentioned. I thought that they had already made Matt an appointee. It is hard sometimes to hear in there.

    Congratulations on the appointment I think you will be a good add.

    You will be taking Kevin's seat?
