Thursday, December 17, 2009

Today's Tribune column: "Muh-muh-muh-my thesaurus."

He he he.

From the very beginning, I've referred to my weekly Tribune column as "Beer Money," followed by the title of the specific piece.

"Beer Money" was Bluegill's suggestion, one made after I griped about the pay scale, and he observed that it still was enough pocket change to buy beer. However, 49 straight times, the words "Beer Money" were omitted before the column was published on-line -- that is, until today. I doubt that the physical newspaper reflects this, but no matter. To me, it's always been beer money, and always will be.

In fact, I believe I'll throw caution to the wind and spend this week's paycheck on beer. I wonder if the Alabama state pension system might consider paying me in Euros?

BEER MONEY: Muh-muh-muh-my thesaurus

Much like your brand new puppy, these anonymous character assassins simply haven’t yet been trained, but unfortunately, cute little Fideaux has a statistically better chance of being taught to refrain from soiling the carpet than his “mad as hell” human owner.

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