Thursday, November 19, 2009

Today's Tribune column: "On a wig and a prayer."

In case you're wondering, the passage on Rollen's sign refers to the decorum expected of meeting participants.

The column itself isn't about that.

Take it away, Senor Cappuccino.

BAYLOR: On a wig and a prayer

Now, if you’ll excuse me, no more about nothing. I have a block watch meeting to catch.


  1. A bit overshadowed today, but the column was quite good. You've been on a roll as of late.

  2. It's well written but at the same time, you're painting religious people with the same brush. In America, acceptance runs both ways. Non believers are forced into hearing merry Christmas, Sunday is the first day of the week and In God we trust, like believers are forced to accept legalized homosexuality, abortion and drinking. As you say, it's a two-way street.
