Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sipes makes it official.

Connie Sipes will not seek re-election to her District 46 State Senate seat. At tonight's Jefferson-Jackson dinner, she introduced the party's annointed choice to run in her place next year: Charles Freiberger, current County Commissioner.

Howard Dean was excellent, and when he told the assembled local Democrats that they should stand for something, not nothing, the silence was audible. But we'd expect that, wouldn't we? Council members in attendance were John Gonder and Bob Caesar. The Confidentials had a good time, and the NABC flashed on the screen, though not as Dean spoke.

Care to comment? I'm outta town all day Friday, so unless Bluegill swoops in ...


  1. Personally, I'll miss Connie. And I'm not a big fan of "ANOINTED" anything.

  2. Poor choice for a replacement!!

  3. It sounds as if that moment of silence last night would have been the perfect opportunity for you to cut loose with an ear-piercing Dean scream...I'd be willing to wager an Abzug that it would have gotten everyone talking if you had done that.

  4. Sipes should run for mayor, she would get my vote

  5. Ecology Warrior should run for mayor.

  6. no thanks, besides I dont the $100,000 it would take to run effectively, just ask Doug England

  7. ps should have said dont have the $100,000
