Friday, November 06, 2009

Is there someone or something we can sue for false advertising?

I know that it's lazy of me to cross-post, but just the same ... let's have a brief educational moment.

Certainly this is the best recent example of corporate cluelessness in plain sight that I've seen. Note that just because a beer differs from the flavorless norm in the sense of light-this or that, it doesn't necessarily imply that it is "craft" or "specialty."

Thanks to Clay (via John) for this vision of conceptual futility, courtesy of the Buffalo Wild Wings branch by the Mall St. Matthews in Louisville, Kentucky. Remind me not to go there any time soo, will ya?


  1. I don't know...Miller Chill is awfully 'special'...

  2. The one area you'd think they know something about, wings, isn't much better. My only BWW meal was involuntarily deposited in the parking lot a short time after consumption.

    Maybe the "craft" beers are to be used as post-ejection mouthwash.

  3. A long time ago, before I drank beer (or anything e,se for that matter) I used to enjoy playing NTN trivia at bdubs and gorging on wings. I guess I'm getting old because nothing about that sounds fun now...not even paired with a mockrobrew.

  4. Maybe you need a "NO" sign after all, Roger...
