Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Is it 3 p.m. already?

I just came up for air and noticed that there'd been no time for posting today. There's about five minutes remaining before I bicycle to Jeffersonville to deliver a keg. Note that only the tap handle will be in my handlebar bag. My adjutant, Josh Hill, is bearing the actual keg in his car.

Today's brief point is that in spite of it all, we're making a great deal of progress here in New Albany. In keeping with the notion of saying "yes" rather than "no," I'd appreciate readers posting a Top Five list of positives for a year almost concluded. Perhaps it might contribute to a year-end retrospective.

But this isn't homework, and there'll be no test. Those of you reading who actually know me, as opposed to those in the community who think they know me, are aware that the absence of personal religious belief in my makeup does not preclude a genuine eagerness that every one have the chance to enjoy his or her holidays in whatever fashion works best. You may thank God, Zeus or blue-speckled hungadungas, or thank nothing at all. It doesn't matter, because all of it is calibrated to the individual's inner life and sense of conscience.

So, enjoy the holiday in your own way, or not at all. I'll be splitting time at Bank Street and Grant Line on Friday, and hope to see some of you for a pint o' observance.


  1. Have a great Thanksgiving!
    And thanks for the Beer info... I think I may have finally found a brew I am fond of!

  2. 1. The NSP grant finally coming through for the new Midtown neighborhood so we can finally get some REAL work done.

    2. A growing, vibrant downtown that justifies our (my wife and I) decision to take a chance and settle in New Albany.

    3. The chance to help with the Farmers Market and hopefully see it grow more and more in the next few seasons.

    4. I'm thankful for all the great people I've met who have allowed me to inquire and be involved.

    5. The hope of a grocery co-op and the enthusiasm I saw for it.

  3. 5?

    Unfortunately, I'm in my cyclical cynical cycle.

  4. If you don't mind, I'll wait. I have a feeling that something else could happen this year that might blow any of my Top Five off the list.

    Enjoy the holiday.

  5. ummm, slightly off topic, i have to say Roger, taking any empty keg on your bike out for just the photo op would be a fun marketing thing. And brings up so many interesting questions, like - is a keg on a bike considered "open container", are you drinking and biking, is that legal...

  6. In this time of giving thanks, I would like to thank my higher power, The Flying Spaghetti Monster for the 5 things She has provided for me in almost a year of downtown loft living.

    1. A true sense of being a part of something groundbreaking. I do not operate a business downtown, but I spend a majority of my entertainment dollar(and all of my rent) within the confines of downtown. Pass or fail, I can say that I gave downtown the old college try and was a part of this thing from the beginning.

    2. Little Chef double bacon cheeseburgers at 3am or later. Really, if you haven't had one of these things, you are truly missing out.

    3. Apparent lax enforcement of public intoxication laws. Enough said.

    4. The dog friendliness, so far. Franklin has been welcome in many downtown establishments. As long as we dog owners obey only a few common courtesies, i.e. leash and poop responsibilities, owning a dog downtown will continue to be a good thing.

    5. Making it through my first Harvest Homecoming without taking a hostage or stealing away to a local bell tower with a high powered rifle. I mean really, do we still need need this horrid affair? I've been to whorehouses in Bangkok where people conduct themselves with more decorum.

    I could go on about things I have experienced downtown and am thankful for, but I'm with the Bookseller, I hope we haven't yet seen even a fraction of the possibilities.

    Praise be to Jeebus!

  7. 5. return of actual entertainment and venues worth going to at the riverfront.

    4. Varied choices downtown for dining out. (and keeping the money local)

    3. repaving of badly worn streets

    2. zoning board members giving a swamp rats cold wet tail about what little greenspace we have left and voting to not allow CCE to further pollute our city and wetland. (I know its a "no" thing, but in my mind it is big YES for the local biosphere)

    1. The communities continued support of the Family Health Center, and our mission to serve the medically indigent of our community.
