Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's that time of year again: NBA!

I do this every year to tweak parochial blog readers who still find a sliver of faux amateur goodness in the college roundball ranks.

10 and a half hours until tipoff

Although it's too bad the World Series hasn't even started yet ...

(Photo credit: CNN/Sports Illustrated)


  1. To paraphrase from a particular menu, in a particular pub, co-owned by a particular friend:

    This is like Anheuser-Busch InBev--too big and over priced.

  2. Rent boys vs. kept men. I can see how that would be a tough call.

  3. A pretty even game this year would be the Cavs against UK if John Wall can't play.
    Go Suns and Kobe for my fantasy team

  4. I've never really given the NBA a chance, so I'll have to do that. I gave the NFL a chance and I love it. Now, college football looks awkward and slow-mo.

  5. Yeah but nobody plays defense in the NBA and the NFL is decided by refs. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy both, but college sports are much more pure in terms of effort. Obviously the professionals have the talent but each game doesn't mean as much.

  6. I really dislike pro sports on most levels except soccer and hockey. I follow the Knicks and the Dolphins, but don't get too heavily invested in the games.

  7. Soccer and hockey? Aren't you from Salem? What the hell happened to you!?! (grin)

  8. @Daniel - good point. People get scrazy about the outcomes in college sports, and I'm not one of them.
