Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wick's has an ATC hearing and will open on October 7 ... and an excellent LEO review for the Windsor.

According to the legal notices in Tuesday's Tribune, the owners of Wick's have a spot on the agenda during the next local alcoholic beverage board meeting on Tuesday, October 6.


I'd have predicted an October 7 opening date, but the newspaper's Daniel Suddeath beat me to it on Twitter earlier this evening.

In other downtown news, the Windsor Restaurant and Garden scored a great review by veteran food writer Robin Garr in Wednesday's LEO Weekly.

Young co-chefs Justin McMillen and Cory Cuff were barely old enough to legally sample their own wine list when the classy dining room and bar, with its lovable New Orleans-style patio, reopened in the old New Albany Inn last year.

Their style belies their age, with a sophisticated and consistently well-prepared evening menu and a fine, simpler set of soup, salad and sandwiches at the noonday hour.

It’s well worth the trip, even for Hoosier-wary Kentuckians.
Finally, it appears that Liquidz, a bar projected for Main Street, is not to be. I learned Wednesday night that the prospective operators have been unable to secure financing, and the sign pictured here back in June is gone. According to the rumorama, the plan had been to ask for permission to paint the building flagrant purple and open a gay bar. Maybe some day.

Previously at NAC: Toast on Market sez: Open September 29.


  1. Hmmm. Windsor buys ads and Leo does a story. I'm sure that's purely luck. Sweet spot either way.

  2. Leo does actual reviews and accepts ads. The Tribune runs ads that attempt to appear as reviews.

    Pot and Kettle.

  3. Daniel, I'll pass your comments along to Robin Garr and share the response with readers.

    In other news, hell froze over yesterday when a Tribune sales rep actually spoke language relevant to my business and my business's demographic.

    It wasn't my usual rep, whomever that might be this week.

    She made sensible suggestions based on the actual income level and educational attainment of people we're trying to reach, and I sincerely appreciate it. I will survey the materials she drops off at the Brewhouse.

    Are we down to a 3rd grade writing level yet?

    Just joking, guy.

  4. It's nice to have another credible witness to the good things happening in New Albany. Thanks to Robin.

    It'll be interesting to see how the review will effect business at the Windsor. Because of Robin's well-earned reputation as a journalist and food critic, his opinions tend to carry significant weight with potential customers.

    His ability to build lively, informative communities at HotBytes and WineLovers is a reflection of both his talent and integrity.

    We're lucky to have someone of his caliber taking an interest in New Albany. That he viewed the Windsor so favorably is a tribute to them and their hard work, of course.

  5. effect = affect, caffeine = not working

  6. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I think you may have Leo and Velocity confused.

    It will be interesting to read Robin's comments.

  7. Yes. I found it possibly to be the most important article written about New Albany ever, well since the last time there was a louisville media story about NA.
    I'll be waiting on pins and needles for that response. I'm sure Mr. bony fish is a great reviewer, though the only time we used him as a reference we caught crap because of how he referred to one of NA's downtown eateries. One that carries one of the NABC beers, best I remember.

    "never mistake motion for action" Hemingway
