Thursday, September 03, 2009

Today's Tribune column: "Yes, we can; in fact, we are."

I'm wondering whether to bring a growler with me. Does it say anywhere that no alcohol is allowed?

BAYLOR: Yes, we can; in fact, we are

The bread crumbs were right there where King Larry left them, and they guided me past the spot where Gene and Tom used to enjoy their daily cigarettes with Duck. Across the weirdly fresh pavement and up two flights of stairs, and finally, exhausted, I spied the crayon-encrusted welcome mat. Lurching through doors reminiscent of 1960s interior design theory in Sofia, Bulgaria (damn Commies!), I landed in a crowded room, providentially locating a seat near the bar, and scanning my immediate surroundings with an eye toward strong drink.
Meanwhile, I may have solved the issue of jamming -- not musically, but in terms of the WiFi signal at the city county building. Thanks, R.

The agenda for this evening's city council meeting has yet to be posted. If it is, you can view it here. We know that CM John Gonder's building permit moratorium is on the agenda, and that it is likely to generate much discussion.

As stated here earlier in the week, I believe it is a well intentioned but potentially harmful measure that threatens to throw the economic baby out with the storm water unless drastically revised to reflect specific geography, and should be carefully phrased in such a manner as to keep "emergency" dictatorial powers for planning and zoning out of the hands of a council that has yet to show it is professionally qualified to review procedures for boiling water to make tea, much less to judge those that require genuine knowledge beyond the head honcho's Bazooka Joe university degree programs.

Why do I say this? Because the current council's intellectual laziness is ongoing and flagrant, and also because Dan Coffey's chosen grandstanding wedge in recent months has been the populist viewpoint that final decisions on all planning and zoning matters should come within range of his power-hungry fingerprints.

If I'm permitted to remain in the room, I'll deploy my suggested WiFi solution and blog live from the chamber. If not allowed to remain there, I'll drink beer elsewhere.

Think of it as a lose/win situation for me.


  1. OK. So we have the agenda posted but without the benefit of the packet details.

    Why am I not suprised?

  2. just curious...was there any mentioning of the Naples, Italy-esk driving lanes at spring and state streets??? i mean, it's only been 3 weeks that i know of that i've had to revert back to using my pole position skills acquired back in the late 80's...

  3. Tommy, stay tuned on the Naples thing. I'll have something about the lanes/stripes, but because of the holiday weekend, it might be a few days.
