Saturday, September 12, 2009

Nation's capital invaded by transgendered academics.

Professor Erika intended to blog "live" from the Flat Earther teabagging in DC, but she couldn't find a rotary dial phone to attach string to.

Yes, I ended it with a preposition. File a restraining order against me if you don't like it.


  1. They are just filming on a soundstage in a B & B down by the floodwall just like the moon landing.

  2. I just read this gem at FOS...

    "Oh Lord, hear our prayer
    as we hear threats of rubber bullets being
    stockpiled, head bashing and people talking
    about bloody revolution, please be with us."

    Bloody revolution? A bunch of idiots dressed up like Revolutionary War soldiers stamping around Washington? I think most people are getting a good laugh out of it. Is this where we get to start calling them "Unamerican" for not supporting the president and his policies?

  3. There's nothing wrong with ending a sentence with a preposition. It's a myth -- sort of like death panels.


  4. Packing u p and heading to Washington with Sodrel and the Gang?

    Interesting, how the tea baggers are against health care reform, and item that more directly affects the "little people" more than anything else, yet they go with a group to protest changes to the system that hurts the "little people" the most.
    Looks like some ones needs to wash their anonymity hoods with some Oxy(moronic) Clean
