Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Kozarovich tackles anonymity in today's "Jeer," while somewhere, a dog barks and Erika sharpens a crayon.

The Tribune's publisher comes down hard on anonymity, and doubtless will receive an anonymous letter or two in return.

TRIBUNE CHEERS & JEERS: Sept. 16, 2009

... My initial reaction was to toss it in the trash with the direct mail ads. But I stopped because in addition to it being futile and infantile I also view it as a needless affront to the principles of America, the land of Free Speech. Don't’ be afraid to say what you have to say. Take responsibility for your actions — and your words.


  1. How long before it is put out there that Roger gave free beer to the editors in order to pay them off to write that!

    I am sure the Department of Justice will be investigating the tribune soon as well!

  2. Steve,
    Please give Daniel S a raise.

    The Fake Daniel S.

  3. Steve,
    Give Daniel S a raise.

    The Easily Bribed Iamhoosier.

  4. Kudos to Steve Kozarovich.

    One of the many things my father has done in his life that has made me proud was the letter he wrote to the editor/publisher of the Madison Courier paper in the 1980's when we were living there. He implored the publisher to stop publishing "anonymous" letters to the editor in the paper, which were really just used to attack folks.

    Even as a 10 year old, I remember thinking that it made sense, that if you didnt feel strongly enough about something to put your name behind it, you should just keep it to yourself.

    I was pleased when the paper adopted his suggestion, and to this day still think it makes good sense.

  5. Steve Kozarovich was a joke in Kokomo, a joke in Niagara Falls, and he's still a joke today.

    His writing needs an editor -- just as it did in Kokomo. He masters the art of saying in 1,000 words what can be said in 100.

    In short, he's as irrelevant as he always has been.
