Tuesday, August 18, 2009


The ever helpful folks at INSIGHTLESS have ordained that I shan’t be working much from home for the next day and a half, primarily because I can’t successfully negotiate their required three-hour blocks of “what if -- whenever” service and wait for one of their contractors to come and wave the requisite magic wand.

If refrigerators worked under the same variable principle as routers, how much spoiled food would we have?

But I digress. Why is it again that we negotiate a monopoly with these people?

Bluegill ... feel free to agitate if the mood strikes.


  1. I'm not necessarily an Insight lover but at least I can get a broadband connection. AT&T can't even offer me a high speed connection. We all should just be on rotary phones based on their local technology.

  2. Have had DSL through AT&T for about three weeks and really enjoy the speed to the web. Check all the options for us and could not turn ma bell. FYI, Win.net is coming to NA real soon. Your locale RAB is in their parameters for service. We were on the fringe or would have chosen such.
