Friday, August 14, 2009

NASH: "Our county needs new pool."

I was out of town last week when Matt Nash's new column debuted. He's an excellent writer, and he apparently knows which closets house the appropriate skeletons, something that surely will result in colorful rebukes from the wannabeen brigade at some point in the future.

My advice to Matt is for him to retain his wonderful sense of the absurd, and have fun. I know I do.

NASH: Our county needs new pool

As the summer unofficially comes to an end this week and parents finally send their kids back to school, I begin to reminisce about a simpler time in my life.

Growing up, one of my fondest memories was visiting the local swimming pool. The Oasis, as it was called when I was little, was just a few blocks from my house. If I cut through some houses, it was an even shorter walk across the hot asphalt of the Holy Family Church parking lot.

Later, after a complete renovation, the name was changed to honor New Albany’s Olympic swimmer, Camille Wright ...


  1. "Why should I pay taxes for something that I can't afford to use?"
    Floyd County Anonymous

    Now, all the anonymous little people have to do is "cut and paste".

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you and to bluegill last week for the kind words.

    Ironically I did take a telephone call from a former council member (that I will not name) at almost exactly the same time as you were posting a picture of him on this blog.

    He spent about 15 minutes explaining that he was glad that I am writing my column but feels that I should be more factual and that there are more important things to write about. He threw a couple of his former colleagues under the bus also.


    I should proofread before I send

  4. Matt, what “facts” did the councilman claim were missed?

  5. It could have been the redistricting "facts" that the Nolo Contendre CM in question did NOT have in his possession when the judge's represesentative all but laughed in his face in court, this being the run-up to the "settlement" that in turn was laughed out of council by Jeff Gahan, who continues to fancy himself some sort of progressive against most evidence to the contrary.

    Or maybe I'm thinking of another time.

  6. "His" successor as President told me that redistricting wasn't a priority, nor was it needed. That the people of New Albany didn't care. That he wasn't going to let 4 or 5 people tell him what to do.

    Doesn't it just warm your heart to hear our leaders admitting that they couldn't care less about following the law? It literally shook me up. I'm in my mid fifties and guess that I shouldn't be so naive...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Mark, it goes to show a common theme in NA, not that I think it’s unique here. The theme is that principles and ideals don’t matter and that all politics is purely personal. Any questioning of a policy is a personal attack on the person supporting the policy. Any support of a new policy is designed solely to undermine someone else. I don’t think it’s a cultural problem with NA. I think it’s a reminder than we need to elect people who aren’t just in it for themselves and who work well with others.

  9. When he used the word "factual" I believed he was using it in the wrong context. I believe that he meant my facts should be more accurate. The only thing he cited was the "nearly 20 years" since a proper redistricting occurred.
