Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The city didn't pay for this wall, either. Sorry.

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  1. As a matter of fact, the city did pay for the wall. The city is not City government. It is the people who live here and engage in commerce here, and drink beer made here, or buy things sold here by people who live here.

    And, that is the reason why the City was justified in paying for a sidewalk in front of your place, or why it is justified in granting tax abatements so people will have jobs making and selling things.

    It's really not too complicated, nor should it be the source of rancor. Because we're all here.

  2. John,

    Lighten UP!!

    You're beginning to sound much to Coffeyesque!

    In a sense though you are correct in this instance.

    Taxpayers from New Albany as well as Louisville, Coppenhagen, Jeffersonville, Scottsburg, and a hundred or so other citys, states, & countries did contribute to the erection of said facility.

    However, they did so of their own volition.

    They were not forced to nor stolen from as some some conspiracy theorists would have us beleive.

    So hoist a pint, enjoy the brew and chill.

  3. When can we sit and drink out there?

  4. At the risk of picking nits, I think it would be better stated if it was said that a community brought it to fruition. Without the communal support of many players (customers, staff, financial partners, etc.), none of this would be.

  5. We need to buy furniture. Maybe we can get an EDIT subsidy for that.

  6. Mrs. bluegill and I have been joking about bringing our patio set down.

    Or you could buy your own.

  7. "all in all, it's just another brick in the wall"

  8. you know, if worded correctly, it could be considered a facade improvement and reimbursed...

  9. Highwayman:

    Possibly you misunderstood what I said.

    The city pays for the carpenter's shoes too.

    Bank Street Brewing sells beer, food etc. Presumably each sale generates a bit of profit or margin. From this gross amount, bills are paid, lights, hops etc. One of these bills was for stone to erect a wall.

    The same net to gross reduction occurs in each and every business in this or any other city.

    I was attempting to offer a compliment on the integration of the business into the fabric of the community.

    So, I guess I'd return the admonition to you. Lighten UP!!

  10. Drinking a beer outside connors about 1 in the afternoon Saturday, my buddy from hoptown in for the weekend said he could live in na just for the setting. Glad I didn't take him to the brewhouse, I like my space and don't need a roomie. Despite the bickering, I love this city. So much potential, so much being realized, I couldn't of come at a better time. Just a stroke of luck. Community dark did make the ride home interesting, walking distance to an elector after arriving at the woods(my home) had a calming impact. If only jacks quit charging five cover on saturdays...

  11. Nice citadel. Will the one at 1117 match?

  12. Couldn't of? That must have been some good beer. WTH?
