Sunday, August 23, 2009

"All in all, probably the best night we've ever had in downtown NA."

I received the following earlier today, and after mulling over, it seems appropriate to reprint these upbeat words for all to see, with only a few minor changes since I didn't ask permission. My guess is that as a fellow New Albanian and co-conspirator, he's okay with me doing it.

After the undeniably successful Celtic Fest concluded, I peddled back to Bank Street Brewhouse for the after party. There were bands playing, open-air courtyards pumping, and people walking through the streets. If only for one night, downtown was one big YES yard sign, repudiating the foolishness, repelling the acrimony, rebutting the naysayers, and replacing their negative vibes with testimony that speaks to what's possible.

It felt quite good, for once. Here's the note from my pal.


I can not begin to describe how much fun we had last night. I think my friend said it best when he asked the question, "Other than Harvest Homecoming, when was the last time you were walking around downtown New Albany at 10 o'clock at night?" The answer was never.

Our travels were as follows:

Arrived and parked in the parking garage around 5:30. Walked down to the amphitheatre. Listened to fine Irish music. Located you and the beer garden. What a coincidence. Had a few finely crafted beers as we listened to the next group. Decided to walk to Steinert's to give the new location some moral and financial support. We had a couple of appetizers and a Stella. Saw the owner, congratulated him and wished him well at his new location. Walked over to Bank Street Brewhouse for craft beers, pomme frittes, and dinner. I had the braised pork shank. My compliments to Josh.

Walked back to the amphitheatre, which is when my friend asked the above noted question, and caught six or seven songs by Brendan. That was undoubtedly the best rendition of "Waltzing Matilda" I have ever heard. Unfortunately, Daddy duty called and we had to go home and I couldn't make it for the after party, although my friend and I discussed and schemed to try and make it by ourselves.

All in all, probably the best night we've ever had in downtown NA. Thanks.


  1. It was a terrific night. At one point, I looked at my wife during one of the "rebel" songs and said to her, "This is why we decided to live here." It was the potential of this town that was the push we needed to commit to live here. We've seen the potential building over the past couple of years and last night was an affirmation of that potential, what this town can be.

    Progress is a helluva drug...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nicely said, Andy. As I told another new friend last night, it's the presence of folks like you and Mrs. Bayern that validates that vision for some of the rest of us.

    Thanks for the choices you're making and helping others to make.

  4. We also attended the Celtic fest and had a great time. It's now been a bit over a week since we moved to New Albany and so far, I'm backing our choice 100%.

  5. Thanks, Jeff. If I hadn't fallen asleep while watching Bundesliga soccer on satellite last night, I would have been at the after party and have been kicking myself all day for top it all off, Bayern Munich lost the damn match.

    Matt, I haven't got down to meet you yet, you're only about 5 houses away, but I promise I will soon. Glad you're here!

  6. The Celtic Fest was wonderful! I only wish we had more time to attend.
    I hope that next year they can offer some more traditional celtic table fare.
