Monday, July 06, 2009

Live sewage and stormwater blogging, version 3.0: Council members, city officials and the mayor weigh in.

Jeff Gahan thanks the residents for coming in tonight, and shows a few photos to accent his point. He seems to be trying to use the resolution as a means of calling attention to the problem.

Not knocking anyone, but these problems are getting worse. Wants a resolution for $75,000 to help alleviate distress, and knows it's a band-aid, but thinks it may not be enough ... city picked up branches after previous storms ... those were acts of God, too ... may not formally introduce the resolution, but may come back with a full ordinance.

Resolution is read aloud. Gahan is satisfied that the resolution will start a conversation. Be on the lookout for explanations and further action.

Bob Caesar (D-2nd): Agrees. So does Diane Benedetti, and Stan Robison looks like he's in very real pain.

Price: Short term things wouldn't cost much, like a hotline phone number, check things, talk to John Rosenburger (ROSENBARGER, Mr. Preece), and now he's in full grandstand and concedes the council is responsible, fgkfgkey, gfrkegfeygr, feyrgfkey, gfrakuegf ... back up valves ... insurance money ... won't be able to live there.

NOTE: Both Price and Caesar have conceded council responsibility for the situation because of previous rulings on development ... Stan is incredulous.

Gahan: People who make all these payments should not be told that it isn't the sewer system's problem.

Benedetti: Stormwater back in house, and she has been working diligently, and she will take up for the stormwater people ...

Gahan: Be aware of the patterns.

Coffey: Wants to move on to the mayor.

Doug England: "I'm not going to make a campaign speech."

Kudos to the retention pond idea, according to the mayor. Makes a Freudian slip, referring to Ethridge as "Eastridge." Supports the stormwater people.

England: This and previous councils are to blame because they will not risk unpopularity to actually charge for the changes that need to be made in the sewage system. Challenges the council: What's it going to cost? Says we'll now decide what it will take to make the repairs and changes needed. Finger wagging directly at the council. And, if no one want's to live in New Albany, how can development be the problem?

Facts: Dollars, dollars, dollars. Fix it all? We receive less each year than the year before. "Hate to tell you," but it's about money. Can't promise lies and tell stories. Came back from a better job and doesn't know why.


Council needs to decide. City has no control over the sewer lines, and disagrees with those who privatized it in the previous administration. Have to stand up and do something. If you want to fix something ... where's the money come from? EDIT's almost dry. Get the sewer and stormwater bills in line. None of you were sitting here when this problem started.

But what I came here for ...

England: Will bring an ordinance to the next city council meeting to raise the garbage collection. We pay $15.18, and charge $13.75. The difference comes from the sewer utility. Wants to raise it $5 to cover inflation. Now goes on another flight to decry the previous administration's privatization. Explains that the street department is too busy collecting trash exempt from the current collection contract to do street work. England wants to put streets and garbage where they belong.

England: Police here tonight. We're fighting for survival, because the federal stimulus money comes into Indianapolis, and then we don't get any of it.

Extols the riverfront during the 4th of July.

England: Speaks for Kemper, which is the ordinance coming up tonight for 2nd and 3rd readings. Wants to make a nice clean factory his legacy. Calls out Jeff Gahan in a humorous aside.

Coffey: Returns to drainage. Any studies done?

England: EMC has the only study. We haven't spent money because the city doesn;t control EMC.

Marinaro: In 2003.

Coffey: No masterplan. Need to see what we're dealing with.

Price: Joins the scrum against EMC's contract by grandstanding to the crowd about EMC's annual $3.5 million annual take.

Wants the garbage done, beginning next meeting. Addresses the citizens, departs.


  1. Roger left out the mayor's best line: I need a drink.

    No freakin' wonder.

  2. Jeff Gahan may have some solid, rational reasons for his position but comparing it to the ice and wind storms is fuzzy logic at best.

  3. It's inescapable: All of them view the sewer utility as a cash cow, and the want it back.

    They just don't want the other one to get it first.

  4. Speaking of cows, remember the episode on Andy Griffith where the cow wore boots and Barney thought that there were 3 "criminals".

  5. Seems like I recall hearing that Bluegill is a bit of an authority on the Andy Griffith Show.

    I'm looking forward to some humorous reading in the days to come . . .


    (huff, puff)

    Did you the news?! Floyd just told me down at the barbershop. Bluegill is an authority on something!!!

  7. That's what Calvin Coolidge used to say.

  8. Thanks, Floyd.
