Monday, July 20, 2009

Citizens for Erikability gots 'em a new, illegal sign.

And it couldn't be located in a more appropriately metaphorical place, eh?


  1. i noticed one over at one of Mr. Price's rental properties (the corner of 11th and Oak) and when I slowed down to read it saw that it was Paid for by Citizens for Accountability, Virginia Martin, treasurer.

    Are they running for office or is that a requirement for all yard signs?

  2. I'm guessing that they are a PAC. Or at least think they are. Who knows if they have filed any actual paperwork.

  3. wheres the sign shark of old Roger? Could it be time to release the beast again?

  4. I've been tempted to unleash the sign sharks again, given the epidemic of illegal postings here of late.

    I'm not referring to Erika's sign, either. They're everywhere, though still concentrated at intersections, and they remain patently offensive. I think a dozen of us could knock out most of it on a Sunday, say five or six hours, and have a few beers afterwards.

    Trouble is my schedule.

  5. scheduling is our big snag too, plus I'm not ashamed to admit, I'm a little afraid of someone seeing me ganking their sign and coming after us! I may talk a big game but I'm a wuss. ;-)

  6. Taking signs down is the responsibility of the street department under the direction of the board of works, oh wait the street department is too busy picking up yard waste, lol

  7. I would be "in" for a weekend sign sharking rally. It drives me crazy to drive up scenic Paoli Pike and see them nailed to trees, or on all the poles in the intersection.

    When are we swimming?

  8. What is so objectionable about the signs, do you want to pay more fees that will be wasted by this administration?
