Wednesday, July 22, 2009

By popular demand, another sign (fill in the blanks).

There were several good suggestions during yesterday's thread. Repeat if desired, or offer your three choices, but remember that brevity is important for a yard sign.


  1. 4. Rule of Law
    3. Fairness
    2. Sustainability

    (5. Shop Local First)

  2. YES to NO new...ah crap. I'll try again later.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 2.) Whole Foods
    3.) Heine Brothers Coffee
    4.) German Heritage Center

    Yes We Can

  5. 2. Bicycles
    3. Gay Bars
    4. Drum Circles

    (5. Any Heritage Except German Heritage Center. Nothing against the Germans, but they got everything the first time.)

  6. The YES sign should be green.

    2. Code enforcement
    3. Preservation/Green buildings
    4. Friendly streets
    5. Neighborhood schools

    (German heritage center or a broader-based immigrant heritage center would be grand.)

  7. Brandon, I had the same idea upon waking this morning.

    I've changed it to green text on a white field.

    Or do you think solid green with white letters?

  8. or, if we're thinking minimalist yard signs...

    2. Enforcement
    3. Downtown
    4. Neighborhoods

  9. I'll leave the text color to the design people.

  10. 1) Time and a World
    2) Fragile
    3) Tomato
    4) 90125
    "One word can bring you round

    (all on vinyl or course)

  11. Good point. The Yes signs should be on recycled materials.

  12. 2. Craftsmanship
    3. Human-centered design
    4. Communitas

    (and the immigrant center should focus on recent immigrants as well)

  13. second pass:

    1. Democracy here, now.
    2. DOWNTOWN!!
    3. native hardwoods

    (and of course, a German Museum, 'cause they got everything the first time, but at least they invested it in the city.)

  14. Only if it's a White Trash German musuem, this being my own ethnic heritage.

  15. (and the immigrant center should focus on recent immigrants as well)

    Not to veer too far off course from the YES sign, but that's exactly what came to mind.

  16. @Gina - Most of my German ancestors skipped town and helped settle Lanesville. I'm guessing they passed through though and maybe had locally-brewed beer or two.

  17. I think the YES sign should be printed with the blanks intact, letting everyone fill in their own.

    It'd be fun to see what answers develop.

  18. B.W. All those Germans passing through were the steady labor pool that kept my families factories humming!

  19. How about a hybrid sign?

    YES--Good Coffee
    NO---Bad Coffey
    YES--Craft Beer
    NO---Mass Beer
    NO---Sour Pusses

  20. I think the YES sign should be printed with the blanks intact, letting everyone fill in their own.

    It'd be fun to see what answers develop.

    Fun, indeed. Though I can already envision some of the writing-ins, “YES to One-Way Streets,” etc.

  21. How do you recycle White Trash?

  22. I've been working on reinventing myself, Dan. If I figure it out, I'll let you know.

  23. Shaving the mullet helped. Did Karen need a “NO” sign for the mullet.

  24. I contacted the editors in hopes this could be handled discreetly; but the editors do not have the strong feelings I do in this instance...

    It is at best, inappropriate, and at worst...well, here we go.

    The use of the term "white trash" is out of place here (or anywhere) and I'm disappointed to see it being used.

    As I shared with the editors in a lengthy e-mail, its use "become more a portrait of a person's heart, and of the culture that they live in."

    If for no other reason than that it will come back to bite you, I would hope the posters on this blog would be more careful with the epithets they are using, whether in jest or not.

    Others may disagree, but the term is inherently offensive, whether used about oneself or others.

  25. It's not in the AP stylebook either.

  26. The Bookseller made his case quite convincingly in a private e-mail earlier today. If I had it to rephrase, I wouldn't use the term, if only because of it being offensive to him, even as I retain the belief that it's allowable to poke fun at myself. However, to edit it after the fact would (arguably) be just as offensive to me. Censorship never wins. We live, we learn, and this is where I'll leave it. Point taken.

  27. 2. Participation
    3. Accountability
    4. Fairness (redistricting)

  28. Just for kicks, i'll have 6 "YES" signs with blanks printed with frames for the first 6 people who pick them up on friday.

    unfortunately, recycled materials are not an option, but i'll print them using green ink.

    place them in legal areas, and if roger approves, send pictures of what gets written in the blanks.

  29. This is something I read last night that just seems to fit here for some reason...

    "It seems that in the advanced stages of stupidity, a lack of ideas is compensated for by an excess of ideologies."

    Too big for a Yes sign I suppose..

  30. Italian Heritage Museum.

    A Shrine to the New York Giants.

    Having a sense of humor. :-)

  31. I think John is on to something. Perhaps I can take it one more step.

    A center for the appreciation and understanding of satire.

    Thanks for the idea, John. I mean, who would ever believe that anyone could be a Giants fan?

  32. Pete - let's give it a shot. Might be an interesting photo essay.

  33. pete and roger et al - this is a great collaborative urban art project. Can't wait to see what is written! Next, can we buy some billboard space or just an abandoned wall somewhere to blow one of the signs up real big?

  34. Where can we get the signs?

  35. signs are available at the DRC 302 pearl street. I should have the frames later today (friday), or feel free to pick up an illegal sign and "recycle" the frame!

  36. Sign me up and I will take the pictures!
