Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So much for nuance, but it's over with so very quickly.

I just received an e-mail from the "State of Indiana," i.e., state representative Ed Clere. It asks me to participate in a "Legislative Survey on Gov. Daniels' Proposed Budget."

But first, Gov. Daniels' budgetary positions on education, public safety, job creation and spending cuts are briefly outlined.

Then there is the actual link to the survey. I clicked it. Here's the survey:

1. Do you support or oppose Gov. Daniels' proposed budget?

2. Please enter your e-mail address: (optional)

Really. That's it.

At least the mailing didn't come from Indiana House Republicans. Spam folders, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Will next week's column report that he conducted a survey and didn't hear from anyone who supported the Democratic budget as an alternative?

