Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Reminds me of the fans in Philadelphia.

Just a thought, but perhaps an additional jeer might be directed to those who scheduled the city council crime session on the same evening as Develop New Albany's primary annual fundraiser, which drew a couple hundred people, among whom were many who surely would have entered the council chamber to watch Dan Coffey wag his finger about things they already knew, if not for already having committed to the once-a-year special occasion.

The latter was on the calendar first, as far as I can tell, and being two places at once eludes even my considerable carnival barker skills. But I'm sure the conflict was just a coincidence, right?


... to all the residents, bloggers and city officials that frequent New Albany City Council meetings but didn’t show up for the public safety meeting last Wednesday. The New Albany Police Department laid out some pretty startling statistics as to how out of control crime is in the city. Aside from myself, there was one other person from the public there. Bring up paving or indoor smoking, and you’ll have people claiming the sky is falling if something isn’t done. Talk about crime — something that truly impacts each and every one of us — and nobody shows up. That kind of message tells criminals that we don’t care if our town becomes overrun with drugs, robberies and home break-ins. We can talk about economic development and blighted housing all day, but it really doesn’t amount to a hill of beans if our city isn’t safe.

— Tribune Staff Writer Daniel Suddeath


  1. I'm sorry that I didn't make the meeting either. However, I do have another life, albeit it doesn't seem like it sometimes.

    I've been to way more Council meetings over the past 2-3 years than 4 of the present members. I sat on an appointed committee that took approximately 20-30 hours of my time. Obviously, there was never any intent to even consider what that committee came up with. And then got called a crook for doing it.

    I've been paid exactly $0.00 to do any of that. No health insurance. No expenses. Others have spent much more time and money than I have.

    Sorry that I didn't measure up, Daniel.

    Oh, and a heads up, I won't be there tonight either. Damn those previous commitments.

  2. Also, approximately 1 year ago, Destination Book Sellers hosted an evening public information meeting with members of the local police force. Paul Haub was there as well as two other officers.

    Lloyd was there. I was there. An attorney(Stan Robison?)was there. And one other person that I can't remember but believe was with "public housing" in New Albany.

    All four of us got the information that night. Funny, I don't remember the Tribune being present.

  3. I hear ya, but there are more bloggers and residents than those on here. The jeer wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, but I read all the time on multiple blogs, in letters to the editor and columns about changing things and improving this and taking interest in that, yet no one ever shows up for crime stuff. Heck, if I wasn't a journalist I wouldn't have been there either.

  4. I've written to Mr. Suddeath myself, before I read your response. Mark's e-mail's not working, so I can't share it with him, but in short, I said I'll take the tongue-lashing, so long as Mr. S realizes his aim may have been a bit misdirected.

  5. I don't recall that evening so I can't say what I was doing, but you're right, I wasn't there. While there is a difference between a meeting called by council and one by a resident, they are all important and deserve coverage. That said, the Tribune since I have been here has easily covered more floyd events and news than all the other media outlets that claim to cover this side of the river have combined.

  6. Had I not been busy supporting local merchants, I would've not only been there but very well may have asked Paul Haub to quantify his claim that hiring more police officers is the only way to suppress crime, given that a substantial body of research suggests that deteriorated physical and social conditions, which the Council and apparently the FOP have largely ignored, act as catalysts for the crime to which the police only react.

    But then the Tribune would have owed me Daniel's paycheck and he wouldn't have any money for vacation.

  7. Randy I got your email but I can't respond to it on my phone. As I said before, this isn't just about you.
    Bluegill, I just don't see how fixing up a few homes and razing a few buildings will solve a crime problem by itself. That is a part of it, but our proximity to the west end of Louisville is a factor that can't be factored in most surveys. I understand the broken window deal, but who is going to make sure the first one isn't broken?

  8. I really don't have a problem with the Tribune's coverage. Of course, there are things that I would like to see more of and others less of. Who doesn't?

    Today's Tribune is a giant improvement over just a few years ago. CJ's Indiana coverage is a joke and the rest of their coverage is not far behind.

    Newspaper's profit margins have historically been among the highest of any industry. Now that they are having to live in the real world, many newspapers are doing just the opposite of what they should be doing--giving us more reasons to buy. Instead, they are cutting crucial expenses(such as local reporters)in an attempt to maintain those huge margins.

    Again, I think the Tribune has done a good job, especially looking at what other newspapers are doing.

  9. Daniel,

    Mr. Haub is the one who proposed a singular, either/or solution, not me.

    Odd then that you would question me but not him.

    Here's a good question:

    If spending the bulk of our money on police while ignoring other factors is the most effective way to fight crime- and that's exactly what we've done in New Albany for decades- then why do we have a crime problem?

  10. the AP destroyed newspaper. Papers have no business leading with national stories, but the wire has made it too easy. People can get those stories online all day.
    Hey, you guys keep up with the city better than anyone. Unfortunately not many others give a rat's backside.

  11. He was questioned, not by me, by John Gonder multiple times during the meeting on that very subject.
    I would venture to guess that spending money on cars and salaries isn't going to get the results that more bodies will.

  12. One thing that I am afraid in this discussion, is short memories.

    The police seem to be saying that we want more bodies and we are willing to lessen(or forgo)pay increases to help get more bodies.

    Short memory scenario(1-2years)--Police ask for BIG raises because "We haven't had a raise in X years".

  13. all the residents, bloggers and city officials that frequent New Albany City Council meetings...

    I don't know that attending less than 100% of the meetings or blogging about less than 100% of the meetings earns you a jeer while not frequenting meetings does not. The real jeer should be aimed at the 37,000+ New Albanians who have never attended a municipal meeting and barely know that we have a city council at all. We have more to gain from getting more civic participation from those who are not engaged than from increasing the already high level of participation from those who are regulars at this site. I doubt 90% of New Albanians could name more than two people on the Common Council. If you’re not happen with our current make up elected officials, the bloggers are not to blame as much as the apathy of the majority.
