Saturday, June 27, 2009

More espresso fueled ruminations.

I rode past the Coyle Dodge property this morning, and it's completely deserted. Just a day or so ago there were still cars and people, and now nothing, which is a bit eerie considering that there has been a car business there my entire life. Now it's the Big Empty.

Locally, the talk's all about the Camm reversal and what happens next. Already, with the next steps as yet unknown, the defeatism is bubbling to the service: There'll be no money for the county until the end of time -- we can't, we shan't, we'll never ... and so on. Whatever. The city should proceed with it even if the county doesn't.

If not, then forget M. Fine. Anyone for Christiania NA on the Coyle property?

At least the sidewalk's done in front of BSB, with the north patio soon to follow. Brewing should begin by the 18th of July, and this time I believe the estimate is attainable. I'll feel much better when beer is actually being brewed downtown.

If only locally, at least the conversation has shifted away from Michael Jackson's death. For me, Frank Sinatra's still the King of Pop, anyway.

At least it might be a bit cooler and less humid tomorrow. Bicycles, beer and books on the horizon. Not bad.

Gotta go.

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