Sunday, May 31, 2009

R.I.P. - Ron Weigleb, former Floyd Central football coach.

The Tribune's Chris Morris does great work in a poignant final interview with Ron Weigleb, the former Floyd Central football coach who died Saturday morning.

Weigleb loses battle, but will live on in hearts of many.

From my perspective, I can't recall meeting a more likable person than Ron, and few men in our area excelled as he did in positively influencing generations of young men through teaching them athletics played the right way. Sports were his life, but in the days when I would run into him following a trip to Europe, he always was keenly interested in hearing about my experiences. I've never forgotten that, and I believe it shows that he was a well-rounded individual.

Last week the NA-FC school board did the right thing (and as we see now, at the right time) in naming Floyd Central's football facility after Ron. It's regrettable and sadly indicative of performance that two board members didn't see it that way and voted against the proposal.

I don't believe Ron ever would have held their "no" votes against Rebecca Gardenour and Lee Ann Wiseheart, and perhaps that's final proof that he was a better man than I'll ever be -- because I absolutely do hold it against them.


  1. What a bummer. It was a testament to him to see how many alumni had come together to support this guy these last few months. He was obviously a loved guy.

  2. Coach Weigleb was a great man. He was respected and loved by not only his former players, but also by many individuals like myself who experienced his kindness first hand.
    Did the school board members that voted "no" on naming the new Floyd Central football complex after Coach Weigleb give a reason for their stand on the issue? Pretty shocking to me that there would be any "no" votes unless they felt there was a good reason. As a parent, tax payer, and voter I would love to know why.

  3. For those individuals that voted against naming FC's new stadium after Coach Wig they obviously have to be in the dark about what a great man Ron Weigleb was, period. Hew was a Great coach and leader, but more importantly, he was one of the greatest people I have ever had the pleasure and honor to know. He was principled without compromise and cared only about the betterment of the young people he had the opportunity to be around. How many people like that do we have today leading the adults of tomorrow? I do not know those individuals that voted no, but I have to wonder about their principles. Jim Coyle FC class '83.
