Monday, May 04, 2009

No paving on the horizon as Price convenes council to nickel and dime the 21st century into a sleeper hold.

Tonight's council agenda can be viewed here.

A cursory overview reveals much to do with the updating of fees and penalties, although none deal with the fees to be levied when your auto must be extracted from a pothole by one of Padgett's handy cranes. We also hear that Steve Price will propose repairing city streets with used bubble gum from Dan Coffey's numerous Bazooka Joe proficiency degrees.

The Tribune's Daniel Suddeath provides this preview: No New Albany City Council vote scheduled for paving.

Of special interest to the effete leftists living and working downtown is the appearance of the ordinance pertaining to residential parking, which appears below (thanks, Highwayman).


  1. I'm not a fan of the permits. It would seem a short term solution prone to creating unrealistic long term expectations.

    We have a fairly dense urban grid downtown. The idea that someone can (or should) park in front of their own door indefinitely isn't realistic, especially with ample, affordable spaces so close and an additional parking structure on the horizon.

    It may work for a while but, when residency increases, it won't. I wouldn't want to be the council member who has to take way parking privileges after someone buys/leases space with the expectation of unlimited parking.

  2. Anyone for Utopia? Can I get a show of hands?

  3. True enough Jeff.

    How ever there is some validity to the concern of single female residents having to walk past the numerous open bars in the wee hours to get to their living quarters.

    Which brings us back to more officers on foot & bike patrols.

  4. Understood about single female residents, Lloyd.

    I suppose I'm just more inclined to give weight to your last sentence. If it's actually dangerous to walk a well-lit block or two downtown at night, parking probably isn't the major problem.

    And I'm for Utopia, so long as it's in my neighborhood and not one of those others that get all the attention. ;-)

  5. Just out of curiosity, does anyone who posts here actually live downtown and is affectd by the parking restrictions? If so, how do you feel about it?

  6. Actually, it was a block of a jab.

  7. LOL!! the "wee hours" of the morning is the safest time to be downtown, since we roll up the sidewalks at 11pm!!
