Thursday, May 28, 2009

Live blogging returns: Oddball council public hearing/meeting on paving, in progress now.

Public hearing at 7:15 p.m. CMs Caesar and Benedetti are absent.

Jameson Bledsoe speaks first and equates two-way streets with uninformed opinion. He has made this point in at least three letters to the Tribune, and I will try to provide links when possible. He expresses a willingness to meet with proponents and discuss. Let's hope he's serious about this.

Jeff Gillenwater answers, and is immediately cautioned by Dan Coffey to restrict comments to factual matters and not personal innuendo. Thus, Coffey presumably disqualifies himself from speaking in public ever again.

Bluegill then provides the factual evidence requested by Bledsoe. He speaks of previous city staff findings and approval expressed by numerous residents. Jeff also notes economic development strategies based on targeting money on things that will increase economic viability rather than subsidizing other piecemeal strategies.

Greg Roberts next: In favor of two-way streets. Speaks of neighborhood association support for two-way streets, and pegs it to safety issues.

Randy Smith: Not supposed to be a meeting about two week traffic, so asks if there might be such a dedicated meeting. Coffey says he likes to give people a chance to speak, prompting guffaws in the front row. A few years ago, Randy heard Coffey mention damage to cars from bad streets, and notes that since then, drivers have been paying $800 yearly to compensate for damage to autos. "Don't be shortsighted," but fears that they'll half-ass it as always.

Kay Garry: Looked up additional appropriations. Approval from up north not necessary for the use of EDIT funds; she corrects a previous statement to the contrary. She merely must certify the expenditure. This removes an impediment to borrowing from one pocket.

Steve Price: Will this be used for paving the streets?
Coffey: That's what the council will decide, i.e., it cannot be used for the dastardly two-way streets!

More in a a bit ...

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