Friday, May 29, 2009

ESNA neighborhood cleanup photos.

Submitted by Greg Roberts and ESNA.

1 comment:

  1. Originally, there were three comments on this post. On January 8, 2012, I erased the post and started over by reposting, because some variety of dick-bot was hitting this post dozens of times daily and I wearied of it. Here are the comments from May 29, 2009:

    Iamhoosier said... Nice.
    2:48 PM

    Bayernfan said... Speaking of cleaning up...we're supposed to hear about the grant today, aren't we? Anyone know anything about that?
    3:41 PM

    Highwayman said... ESNA,

    I apologize for not getting these up sooner as Roger did email them to me but the ethernet gobblins would not allow it when I tried.

    Any way, nice work!

    The neighborhoods are shaping up inspite of the nickel & dime watchers and the illegal dumpers.
    8:46 PM
