Thursday, May 14, 2009

Coyle dealership to go? What's to come?

The Detroit Free Press is reporting that Chrysler wants to eliminate 789 dealerships as part of its economic restructuring. New Albany's Coyle Dodge at 513 East Spring Street is on the list. Thanks to R for the tip.

The dealership site had been previously indicated as a possible location for new city government offices.

What now? Anybody got the scoop?


  1. Understandably, I have a great interest in how and whether that site remains/becomes a viable contributor to commerce, the streetscape, and the neighborhood.

    It seems like I've heard ten serious ideas for the site - from ten different people with some capability of making something happen - but it seems that none of them have talked to any of the others.

    Ten ideas can sometimes be worse than no ideas. I'd love to see some coherence (read: leadership) regarding all the things addressed in your news bulletin.

  2. As you may imagine, I know a good deal about the "Coyle' building. As an aside, my grandfather who opened the dealership way back, 40's-50's? also helped raise the money to build the current city-council building. Naturally, discussions have taken place between my relatives and the current administration about said "new/old" city county complex. Full disclosure: my only involvement is to take the opportunity occasionally to advocate for preserving the historic building, ie adaptive reuse. I can assure you, the historic value of the building is everyone's least concern, sadly.
