Monday, April 20, 2009

Surreal. Just plain surreal.

Photo credit: Tribune. Thanks to M and J for the tip. Article here: Hollywood classic coming to New Albany riverfront.


  1. Too bad the Pink Floyd Experience isn't still in town. We could do Dark Side of the Sunny Side of the Moon in sync.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nominations are now open for casting the parts.

  4. Off topic.

    My word verification for the above post was "potholur".

    Anyone notice that the streets need paving?

  5. The Lollipop Guild shouldn't be a problem.

    I wouldn't mind being a flying monkey but I'm afraid of who I'd have to work for.

  6. My loft is strategically located just blocks from the amphitheater.

    May I be the first to volunteer to host any one or more of the many midget orgies to follow the 'Oz' production.

  7. New Albany sure is a damn weird little town. And I like it that way.

  8. Surely this would be a great "Caption Contest" picture, no?

    Just for kicks, I'll go with the fairly obvious "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"

  9. "Follow the yelow brick road......"

    But wait! what's Steve gonna say?

  10. "And then the monkeys flew in from Portland and Floyd Knobs..."

  11. Whatever thrill is raised by new Brand-Name Festival tent coming over the bridge is swallowed whole by second impression at the exit ramp. The cut-rate cinder block liquor hole, the trash, the soul-less tree-less wasteland. Then you’ll know you’re in New Albany!

  12. What is the desired outcome of the ramp/portal into NA? How do we achieve it?

  13. "No, no. TWO-way. You know, like with one coming this way and one coming the other."

  14. All I can hear is "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" As Coffey is desperately pulling levers and pressing buttons trying to turn off the lights......

  15. What Ted said. Although there are days when I don't like it so well . . .

  16. "What is the desired outcome of the ramp/portal into NA?" welcome as opposed to discourage visitors?

  17. welcome as opposed to discourage visitors?Of course. It's actually improved in recent years. The old gas station is an impediment and I'm guessing will continue to be so as long as the underground gas tanks would have to come out to do anything with the property.

    At least the old Nicholson building got rehabbed, if inelegantly. Looks better now than before.

    Nothing wrong with the library. We should paint the highrise to make it look less Bulgarian/socialist. The long neglected monument building apparently is up for grabs, or will be.

    So, what sort of coordinated action should take place, who supervises, and most important, who pays?

  18. "And when we're done, we'll be just like Frankfort Avenue!"

  19. How about a plan to remove the WELCOME rocks? I'm sure we could get some volunteers to assist.

  20. True, but we have to figure out what else to spell first.

  21. "Ain't got nun, don't want nun"

  22. IAH, for that long of a sentence, we'll need some more rocks, I propose a bake sale to raise the money for said rocks...

  23. "Birdseye is THAT way."

    John Mattingly's got plenty of rocks.

  24. Considering many of the citizens of this fair city, I could suggest just 3 letters.

    But I won't.

  25. FU...N?

    I was going to suggest YOUR CHOICE OF PASTIES, THIS EXIT.

  26. "Brian Wickens lives here--NOT"
