Saturday, April 18, 2009

I'd really rather be in St. Louis again this year.

There isn't much reason for me to recap the many and varied ways that I detest the annual Blunder over Louisville, other than to remind readers that in many parts of the world, the sound of warplanes is cause to fear for your life. Here, it somehow qualifies as entertainment.

Both locations of NABC will be open today for regular business hours. This primarily applies to Hoosiers, because the sanctioned blockades of interstate commerce generally preclude visits from our Louisville patrons on Blunder day.

It's also the kickoff of the NBA playoffs, and accordingly, a time for religious observance in my household. What was that? The NBA? Yes, the NBA. That's the league with the world's best athletes, and where the players generate vast revenues and are fairly paid for their labor, as opposed to collegiate roundball, where they are inadequately remunerated and the revenue goes elsewhere.

Me? I need to go buy a lawnmower.

And drink beer?

Yes, but probably not simultaneously. There's an ordinance against that, and knowing my luck, someone might even try to enforce it.

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