Thursday, April 16, 2009

Human rights and the curriculum at Bazooka Joe U.

The thinly cloaked Republican yammering about tea parties has genuinely moved me -- from my couch, and to the refrigerator for another beer.*

This week's Tribune column offers yet another example of New Albany's unwillingness to observe its own legal playbook: BAYLOR: Human rights in New Albany?


* with apologies to Pat Paulson


  1. How odd of you to quote an anti-semetic and satirical jouranlist in your article...and to think you did so without mentioning Bank Street. Wonders never cease.

  2. Look, Ma -- I caught one.

    As Steely Dan once recommended:

    Throw back the little ones, and pan fry the big ones

    Use tact, poise and reason, and gently squeeze them

  3. I do it because no one else will. Have a great day.
