Sunday, April 19, 2009

He's baaacck ...

As Bluegill noted at the time:

This is another textbook case of "I'm ignorant and angry about it."
Well, he's even angrier now, and we're again obliged to refute.

There was a spirited debate here earlier in the week, when an eastender expressed alarm over the dire threat to humanity (and pedestrians) posed by the notion of converting Spring Street back to two-way traffic.

Open thread: Entitled to one's own opinions on two-way streets, but not one's own facts?

Today he's back with the suggestion that Spring Street should be one way from Silver Hills to Silver Creek, and Main Street be made one way the opposite direction for cosmic balance.

LETTERS: April 19, 2009 (scroll down)

In the process, only the briefest mention is made of the writer's original obsession with pedestrian safety, which has been replaced by a determination to make these one-way streets even more "arterial" than they were before.

Mr. Bledsoe, if you're reading (in a specific, not general sense), would you please consult this website: Traffic Calming 101, and report back to the Tribune with your finding? Or, report back to us?

Or, merely acknowledge the existence of extensive, well-researched arguments in opposition to your own view (and respond to them if you will)?



  1. I wonder if Mr. Bledsoe has ever tried to get across Spring at 10th St. It's downright frightening at times as that area is basically a drag strip.

    Just yesterday afternoon walking down to La Rosita's with my 3 year old niece was an adventure.

  2. If Bledsoe wants an additional highway route through the neighborhoods, I wonder why he didn't volunteer East Elm to ease commute times?

    Unlike Main, it's directly connected to an interstate ramp and already runs east as a one-way street through a good portion of town from there.

    If one-way traffic volumes and speeds are helpful, I'm sure Bledsoe wouldn't mind giving up on-street parking and a part of his front yard to accommodate more efficient commuting routes. He's already said it's safer that way.

  3. May I hereby retract any and all statements of a personal nature I may have made earlier about Mr. Bledsoe.

  4. If for no other reason, I support making the streets two way to eliminate the almost daily near side swipe by drivers unfamiliar with the need to weave lanes like a drunk down State Street to stay in the proper lane!
