Sunday, March 15, 2009

We want to do Sundays, and today is a fine place to begin.

Following the first few days of business at the Bank Street Brewhouse, the team is busily sorting through dozens of hastily scribbled post-it notes. Your constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and in fact, it is encouraged. I haven’t had time to catch up with all of last week’s e-mail correspondence, so please give me today to do a load of laundry and crawl back.

BSB will be closed on Mondays. Part of the reason for this is that I remain rather stubbornly determined to make “Open on Sunday” a reality in downtown New Albany. It is perhaps my primary goal as carnival barker and promotional flagellant, and in fact borders on the obsessive.

Today will be the inaugural expression of this desire, even if we don’t have the operation down to a science quite yet. There will be food, and there will be drink, and someone will be there to serve them from 12:00 noon until around 8:00 p.m.

With time and warmer weather, I’m envisioning a lively Sunday experience. Chef Josh and I have discussed several “Sunday special” menu possibilities, among them a lighter soup and salad option that might be good for the Sunday YMCA crowd, post-church lunches and cyclists. Of course, those wishing to augment with beer would be welcomed to do so.

We’re not quite there … yet. But we’ll be there today, with what we have now.


  1. Well, we're back from our first visit to the BSB and we were pretty impressed. There was a good (FRIENDLY!) crowd, nice, knowledgeable servers, and oh the foods. My Croque Monsieur tasted just like the stuff i ate while in Amsterdam, ( a little bittersweet, cause I'm not going back to the 'dam anytime soon).

    The kids enjoyed the atmosphere, and dipping the pomme frittes. The chef came to check on the food and told us that next time we're back with the kids, to let him know and he'll work on something simpler for them.

    Visit rating...A++++. We'll be back, very, very soon. Plus, for Adam, it's within stumbling distance from the house.

    I'm hoping to hear that soon, there will be wireless and some soup and cheese for lunch time... I'm dying to come and work from there in the spring and summer with the doors up...YES!

  2. Ceece,

    FYI, wireless is up and running.

    Weather warm enough to justify open doors is beyond managegment pay grade however!

    Glad you liked it!
