Monday, March 02, 2009

We 're under way. How will "The Gary's" sister vote tonight?

The meeting is under way, with a crowded gallery. It is now the speaking time allotted to citizens.

The issues this evening are two hot-button ordinances: ROCK's pre-occupation with sex, and "The Gary's" (McCartin) latest plan to construct a Wendy's near Lafayette Drive. The residents of the area near Lafayette Drive have successfully mounted more than one previous defense into the exurban intrusion. The citizens appearing will be logically pointing to the sprawl that surrounds the McCartin-inspired exurb on the north side of I-265. The Gary doesn't seem to be here tonight.

Is this Jeff Gahan's district? If so, perhaps we should ban smoking there.

Bob Dusch is up now. He is here again about the McCartin development. He characterizes the proceedings as an end run around the previous rejections. Neighbors would welcome sound development, but are weary of fighting poor plans.

It has been pointed out to me that the room is uncommonly filled with lawyers tonight. I don't mind that, but I've always recommended they not congregate near the windows so as to encourage drive-by shootings.

If every neighborhood was as organized as the one behind this proposed development, it might be possible to achieve something. Tonight there is no representative of a downtown neighborhood association present to show solidarity with the issues faced by another neighborhood.

This is what I keep saying, guys. Here's the perfect opportunity to expand kinship. Where are we?

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