Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Is it the feasibility of appeasing ROCK?

I'm the first to admit that it has been difficult staying in the loop these last three weeks.

On the day preceding Gravity Head's kickoff, I was given a hooded sweatshirt by the visiting Sierra Nevada representative. After wearing, I threw it atop the clothesrack and somehow missed seeing it yesterday, when I managed to do four loads of laundry that have been strewn around the area. For a while, I was dressing out of the dryer.

There's a city council meeting tomorrow night, and glancing at the agenda -- which includes more time wasted on adult cabaret regulation (zoning) and th requisite groveling at the feet of ROCK, a floor show in itself -- I see something about a feasibility study.

R-09-08 Resolution to Fund a Feasibility Study for the New Albany City Council with Riverboat Funds (Price 1)

Does anyone know what this is about?

There's no information about it at the city clerk's website. I'd ask Steve Price personally, but I'm not really expecting to see him in the Bank Street Brewhouse any time soon.


  1. Price is studying feasibility of a transfer station. (Joke….uugh.…I hope).

  2. I'd rather study the feasibility of Price. Ten bucks, five minutes ... and we've overpaid.

  3. Roger,

    This is to study the feasibility of moving City offices out of the City County Bldg to another location.

    There was no indication of where to but the Coyle complex on Spring came up in the conversation.

    Vague I know but it was all I was able to find for the moment.
