Monday, March 23, 2009

Benefit to the entire community, not the developer? Is that legal in New Albany?

In one of at-large councilman John Gonder's best blogs yet, he makes so much sense that one wonders how he managed to get elected in the first place. Just imagine the potential utility of Gonder's thoughts if the remainder of the local Democratic weren't terminally platform-resistant. Coincidentally, my Thursday column in this week's Tribune is devoted to a similar topic.

Back to the Drawingboard. Please.

In an attempt to extract something meaningful from the proceedings, I would like to offer an idea that could have possibly yielded a different outcome. At least it could have changed my vote. Unfortunately I'm not holding my breath waiting for the missing ingredient, because that missing ingredient is found in such short supply among developers hereabouts. The ingredient? It goes by several names: innovative thought, creative approaches, getting ahead of the curve, anticipatory development in recognition of the changes suggested by new environmental realities.


  1. I heard that Wick's might be moving into the old Speak Easy space. Any truth to that? Good post Mr. Gonder

  2. I heard interest had been expressed, but that they would not come to Southern Indiana because of the difference in laws ... or something like that. I don't know the owners.

  3. Wait... a difference in laws from state to state? Apparently it doesn't apply to gentlemens clubs.
