Friday, March 13, 2009

Backlash and Bank Street.

First, a nod to Mrs. Baird: YES IT CAN HAPPEN HERE.

He says that we New Albanians hate ourselves. I respectfully disagree. I'm not wanting to start a battle but I don't believe the majority of us are self loathing naysayers ...

... But besides that, let's prove Mr. Baylor wrong. Let's start an "I love New Albany Campaign" and work to improve our town, starting with keeping the garbage off of the streets and sidewalks.
My point is being missed, but that's okay for now. I'm so busy proving myself "wrong" that I barely have time to compose these words.

The irony of her observation is that my column and her response might be an ideal place to start a dialogue, which in turn is quite impossible, largely because her readers won't take their obstructionist and naysaying masks off for long enough to join the discussion like adults.

Wait ... that was my point, wasn't it?

Bank Street's going to be open the next three days according to the schedule listed at right on the main blog page. However, it's important to know that we really only planned for lunch the next two days, so the evening menu will be short. Soup and frites, anyone? I understand they go well with beer. We all deeply appreciate the kind words of those who've dropped by to eat and drink this week, and I apologize for the absence of personal responses.

We're still putting the pieces together. Thanks for understanding.


  1. At the risk of sounding as though I'm grandstanding, I see a pattern developing here.

    Several months ago I had the pleasure of being the first customer to partake on the first "officially open" day at the Market Street Fish House.

    Likewise, although it wasn't planned in advance, I walked into the Bank Street Brewery at 10:58 AM today and was welcomed by the staff as their first customer of the day.

    My compliments to the chef and staff as well.

    Sadly, the Elector keg has blown already, but hey you can't have everything!

    I'm told the Croupier is a worthy replacement for the moment!

    Great start guys & gals. Keep it up!!!

  2. For the April ESNA social, we're gonna make it there if you've got the space!

  3. You couldn't have cued in those anonymous posters much faster, Roger..

    Congrats on the opening!
