Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Mayor's "State of the City" in the Tribune.

Today's Tribune provides the "official" text of Mayor England's address last night at the council meeting.

2009 State of the City Address: New Albany Mayor Doug England

Those in attendance will emit a friendly chuckle, given that Hizzoner departed only slightly from his prepared remarks, but that's okay. The gist of it jibes, and there's nothing at all wrong with improvisational zeal.

Somewhere Prof. Erika is sharpening its knives. It makes you wonder why the opposition isn't given the chance to respond so that we might hear Steve Price shriek, "we're broke" or "we can't" (or: "I won't") after each line item.


  1. I'm most pleased with England's speech. If we can accomplish half of the speech’s goals, we will make real progress. I’ll be watching to see what happens next.

  2. The only thing he forgot was an "Ask not what your City can do for you..."

  3. I've marked my calendar for six months from now. Roger, i hope you do the same on this blog.

    I'm going to go down the list of items laid out by the mayor in the speech and see what has happened on each. I hope in July we can be satisfied that 2009 will see more happen than in 2008.

  4. Satirist, I thought you first comment was serious, whew...

    I read the "state of the city" text and well, yawn. Not a single word about responsibility, accountability, efficiency, or anything else that wasn't recycled so many times I could cry. Half of the speech was a statement(s) about how challenging 2008 was. That was at most one sentence in a normal speech. OK, so half of the state of the city is an excuse for substandard performance last year, next. Oh good, we learn the mayor has a plan for raising revenue - Fed bail-out. OK, but he has a back up plan right? Cut public safety jobs... Hummm. At least I think I figured out who the Mayor works for - the street dept and city hall employees. Oh, and whatever those people at the Industrial Park want.

    Personally, I remained shocked this just goes on and on here and never changes. What a joke this town is.

  5. Well, Gina...I did intend my first comment at serious. If they can accomplish half of what's in the speech in a time table that's twice what's spelled out in the speech, it'll be more than has happened in the last five years. I'll take it over what we've had lately.
