Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Again looking back to 2006 ... and where are we now?

On Tuesday, a neighborhood forum from 2006 was referenced with a link to Ted's notes. Back in July 25, 2006, we previewed the same forum here:

Person to person: Neighborhood Forum is Wednesday, August 9; Study Circles discussed.

Much to the chagrin of certain anonymous denizens of the benumbed local trogosphere, specifically those who can’t be bothered with conceptual thinking and the realm of ideas even as they hilariously pretend to be academics trained to think and act in these terms (see:, a spirited dialogue continues to assist in the gradual transformation of New Albany.
Another posting loosely related to forums from the same period (9/2/06), this time courtesy of Bluegill, who illustrates how some local grandstanders have sought to intervene in neighborhood activism for their own aggrandizement:

I'll take city attorneys for $150K, Alex.

Dan Coffey wants to hire a full-time city attorney. For those of us in attendance at the neighborhood forum during which he berated citizens for considering that very same measure as a potential aid to code enforcement, Coffey’s suggestion of following through with the full-time attorney idea should seem surprising. But it’s not. We know Dan Coffey.

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