Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Unbelievers -- finally American?

In his inaugural address, President Obama said something that is true, but that I doubt has ever been noted by an American his position and situation.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and nonbelievers. We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth."

Me, a nonbeliever, and finally recognized as part of the noble experiment. Now, if we can come to a place where we're not bringing up the end of the queue ...


  1. Thanks Roger for your post.

    I have waited eight long years for this day of seeing a broken, worn out/stressed shell of a man sit and listen to what it actually means to be President of this great nation. If any of you have not read Matt Taibbi's piece in Rolling Stone dated Jan 22nd, due yourself a favor and read it.

    Over the years I have become a moderate, voting for whom I believe can do the best job for all in politics in the US. President Obama is a true example of what this nation needs at this crossroads in the nation's history. Listening to his speech today, hopefully, hopefully we can all place aside our own views and needs and help heal and rebuild this grand country.

    Peace be with you all.....Edward

  2. I thought that was wonderful, coming after the Rick Warren invocation, which I thought was sectarian in an entirely inappropriate way.

    I was also heartened by President Obama's statement that "we would restore science to its rightful place."

    All in all, a wonderful day for believers and unbelievers alike.
