Tuesday, December 23, 2008

NABC Bank Street Brewhouse progress report.

Although it is not to be confused with the Gang of Four, we now have a “Gang of Seven,” a term we’re using internally to describe the group working to get NABC’s Bank Street Brewhouse off the ground. Listed alphabetically by first name, they’re Gregg, Jared, Jesse, John, Josh, Kelsey and Roger, and as we get closer to the projected February taproom opening, I’ll tell you more about each of them.

In the meantime, we’ve been working on multiple fronts, and in different groupings of the gang’s members depending on the task at hand. Yesterday, Gregg, Jared and I were discussing aspects of the taproom’s daily operation. Specifically, we were considering how much waste we’ll be generating, and how (a) to reduce it from the start, and (b) to dispose of it responsibly. As an example, we’ve resolved to be Styrofoam-free. Will we use cloth napkins? If not, can we use recyclables in some fashion?

Much of it is old hat elsewhere, but we have more than one mandate because in this, as in other areas, once a new paradigm is in place and proved workable downtown at the new brewhouse, we’ll use the lessons learned to remake and revitalize aspects of operations at the original location.

Eventually, this question was asked: Do we need drinking straws?

To answer the question, we took a previous decision into consideration. The BSB taproom likely will forego both fountain soft drinks and iced tea-by-the-gallon. There will be an intelligent selection of craft sodas in recyclable bottles, and if necessary, pre-packaged tea (cans?), both priced by the unit, which is to say, no free refills, and pay as you go.

Because ... absent the liquids generally consumed through them, are drinking straws really necessary? The only conceivable affirmative response to this question pertains to the hygienic distaste felt by some when touching their lips to glass or plastic, but surely this reaction is confined to a small minority or potential patrons.

All of it points to a larger concern. To what extent must a business cater to popular taste as it is perceived, as opposed to serving a niche and undertaking to shape popular taste?

In answering, I must reference my experiences traveling in Europe, where generally speaking, fountain sodas remain rare outside of American fast food emporiums, tea is something consumed hot from a cup, and bottomless cups of weak coffee are for the morning spread at bed and breakfasts, if even then.

Cola comes in a bottle, and you pay for each one. The same goes for espresso. Most often in cafes, the difference between an espresso and a cup of coffee is the amount of hot water passing through the machine’s basket … and you pay for each one. This system certainly suits me, and we’ll probably buy a home-model Saeco espresso machine for the back bar of the taproom, and make single servings of espresso and black coffee. Period.

Give it a chance. You’ll be a convert in no time.

Overall, much of what I experienced in Europe during the early days was incomprehensible to me at first, and it constituted a challenge to a mind that had not been challenged often enough during high school and university here in Indiana. Looking back, I'm grateful to have been challenged.

While there are always exceptions, what I’ve taken away from it after all these years is the notion that trying to please everyone at a minimal level of achievement may be necessary to some extent, but it isn’t the game I want to play.

Rather, teaching's my gig. To teach is to provide learning and instruction. That’s always been my mission, and it will continue to be once we’ve opened downtown. The higher object is to satisfy the pre-existing demand, and to mold new demand ... to be a destination, and to be renowned for a unique reason.

The BSB taproom will have a short menu of good food conceived and prepared by a professional chef (Josh). I believe his menu is going to be a hit, but regardless, it will not include hamburgers, pizza or chicken tenders. NABC beers will be available, and I know they’re good. Other places downtown will be serving other craft beers and mass-market lagers, but we won’t. There’ll be a few bottles of quality spirits available for the discerning palate, but there will not be Jack and Coke. And so on, and so forth ... and more power to your business model. I want ours to be different.

Since drinking straws annoy the hell out of me, we’ll probably not have any on hand … but I guess you can bring your own.


  1. You may need to consider an exit monitor. I once had an older Swiss woman chase me down a flight of stairs and into the street because, unbeknown to me, I'd apparently purchased the liquid inside a bottle and not the bottle itself.

    She chided me in German and, after yanking the bottle from my hands, snidely thanked me in French. I'm pretty sure the gestures were Italian.

    We both grinned at each other the next day when I finished my soda on site and very deliberately placed the bottle in the rack near the door.

    If your food portions will be big enough that patrons often have leftovers (and, really, why should they be?), you might consider a small discount for those who bring their own containers.

    Will prices change based on seating location? That almost always prompts teaching moments.

  2. I had a similar experience in Cuenca, Ecuador trying to buy a large bottle of beer from a little market. First, they asked me for my bottle (you give a bottle to take a bottle, or else you buy the bottle in addition to the liquid).

    When it was clear that I didn't have one and had no intention of paying double, they kept asking me if I planned to drink the entire thing right then and there on the street. Confused, I told them to forget it.

    I explained the situation to my hosts, who had a big laugh at my expense. Thankfully, they too ran a bakery/market and, unbeknownst to me, also sold beer in the big bottles. Problem solved.

  3. A good compromise straw policy might be that default is no straws. If you ask for a straw, we say we don't provide them. Under special circumstances or for especially sensitive people (I know at least one person who gets unnerved about lips-to-glass), a secret stash exists behind the counter.

    Also, what will the smoking policy be?

  4. Just use a shared straw policy.

    "I'm sorry. Our straw is currently being used at table 4. However, they have just asked for their bill, so I'll bring it to you shortly."

    That ought to take care of any lips-to-glass phobias.

    I think that Steve would be the perfect person to train the servers in this policy!!

  5. Would it be possible to leave our own straw (lab quality titration) in a personal locker, for personal use during our visits?

    Seriously, I think you might want to have straws - just don't make it an automatic thing - paper straws? In some circles, even drinking water from a clean glass is considered gauche, and you don't want the new place to pick up a reputation, do you?

  6. blech. please have straws.

  7. Perhaps we could draw straws...

    Beyond that, I'm in favor of toilet paper that I don't have to buy from a babushka one square at a time.

  8. I get funny looks when I ask to not be given a straw in restaurants or a plastic bag in stores. The other day I actually had a guy say that I'd get him fired if I didn't let him wrap plastic tape around my purchase in a store because I had requested that he not put the item in a plastic bag.

    Many habits get ingrained in us automatically without us considering their purpose. You use a straw because it's handed to you. The server hands it to you because he's trained it's proper customer service. It takes an effort to consider those habits and even more of one to break them. Personally, I applaud you for considering the greater good for the environment over typical ideas of customer service. I do hope you change many minds in the process.

    I'm reading a book now called "The Green Museum." I don't know if there's a "Green Brewhouse" text out there somewhere, but there is some information on food service in this one so I'll be sure to share any helpful information with you.

  9. R. Mutt, I don't know you but we are probably more on the same page in color than you can imagine. I have read said book(The Green Museum) and wish others could embrace how we can be a self sustaining culture with just a little more thought process than pitching waste in the bin.

    I hope the NABC Bank Street Brewhouse is the first in downtown NA to be leaders in our community in the right direction in reducing waste.

  10. Hey, Ed. You just know me by another name: "Mrs. Bluegill." :) I'm posted about more often than I post myself.

    I'm glad to hear that you've read the book. We'll have to talk about it sometime. I'm just starting chapter 2, but it's been good so far. I've had the "Global Warming Survival Handbook" for awhile and it is helpful for information and resources for changes you can make at home. (I hear that we need to talk with you about composting at home.) We're trying to implement more sustainable practices at the Carnegie Center so I thought “The Green Museum” text would be very helpful. I’m hopeful that the Carnegie can be one of those leaders that you mentioned downtown too. We’re having an exhibit next year called “Earth Works.” It’s 4 art quilt artists and the work will all be about the earth and the environment so I would like to have programming on sustainable practices to go along with it. If you have any ideas, please let me know. Thanks, Karen.
