Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Keith Olbermann's Prop 8 Special Comment: It's "About The Human Heart."

First viewed at the Huffington Post.


  1. yes, yes, yes.

    To hear that all those propositions failed put a damper on the celebration of Obama's victory for myself and many others.

    I have friends that live in CA, and they said the next day, all the rainbow flags were flying at half-mast as they were grieving.

    This hurts my heart.

  2. (or passed, the wording is so confusing!)

  3. Keith gave a great sermon last night with this. The core of Jesus' teachings were to care for those in need and to embrace the unembraceable. I think that it's not until we learn to embrace people where they are at as opposed to where we want them (or demand them to be at) that we miss the core of faith.
