Saturday, November 08, 2008

I can see no reason ... wait, no -- don't touch that blindfold!

Floyd County harbors a high proportion of conservatives, a term for which I’ve freely substituted “fascists” so often lately that a former SS officer currently residing in Paraguay just emailed to ask me if New Albany might be a more comfortable place for him to live out his days than Asuncion.

Turns out that he’s an antique dealer.

Imagine that.

While we’re on the topic of sore losers lashing out at a planet rendered incomprehensible by Tuesday’s election results, one Ron Cates, Sr., contributed a letter to yesterday’s Tribune.

Reader: We’ll regret placing Obama in power.

We know nothing about (Barack Obama), yet we have entrusted the most important job in the world to him. What could we have been thinking on Election Day? How could any man with no history cast a spell strong enough to blind the majority of Americans to the facts?

After the hangover has worn off and we look at this in the bright light of day, I feel we’ll be asking, “Why?” I have a feeling there will be millions of Obama supporters out there in less than 12 months who will deny ever voting for him. To this day, I cannot find a person who will admit voting for Bill Clinton, yet he was elected twice. Unbelievable.

Mr. Cates' circle of acquaintances presumably is fairly narrow, so for the record, the senior editor voted for Clinton both times the Arkansas ran for President.

Now that I’ve been found, it’ll be interesting to see if there are others, which of course there are, even if they can’t be viewed from the inside of a bunker constructed to keep the contagion of diversity from peeping inside.


  1. It may be somewhat like the Bush voters now. I know a few people who I could swear I remember that they told me they voted for Bush, but now deny it ever happened.

    If we're taking a poll here, I also voted for Mr. Clinton both times. 1992 was the first time I could vote in a presidential election...

  2. I for one am very impressed with President-Elect Obama. I am impressed that he has already made some key assignments, that he has already addressed the economy as the main number one issue come Jan. 20th 2009, and that he has made it clear to the current administration, that there are certain things that could be put into motion prior to Jan. 20th, like the second round of stimulus package..hopefully more than $300 though. I think in 4 years, we will look back and say...yes we did it! Then we can vote for him again...yes we can!

  3. " written papers to indicate what we may expect from him."

    Maybe he did have "papers", you just didn't read them, cause you do whatever your pastor says.

    Proud to ignorant - only in Indiana?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Last night I heard an audio clip of Rush Limbaugh calling Obama a "thug". It's this continual hate-mongering that keeps people like Mr. Cates all stocked up on suspicion, fear, and ignorance. Then I got a couple emails from a Republican friend who attached this rant about how "bad" Obama is for the country. I suggested she wait at least until he takes office before coming to any conclusions. Whew!

    I know the talk jocks can't be shut down, but maybe, just maybe, if Obama can form a true bi/non-partisan administration of highly qualified people who make progress cleaning up this mess, Rush et al will be marginalized until they become irrelevant and totally "uncool". Its a long shot, but I've "Got Hope".

  6. If nothing else, the limbaugh-ites will have fresh material for the next 8 years!
    I dont give a damn who we elected, Charles Manson would be better for this country than W was.
    I think the international appeal of President Elect Obama has all ready begun to work some magic in repairing the international relationships that the W. Admin had done.

  7. On that note, Christopher, let me relate a personal story. For those who may not know, my wife is from Austria. When the election was called for Obama (around 11 pm or so) our phone rang. It was my father in law who had stayed up all night (it was 5 am for him) watching the MSNBC international feed. He was so happy and excited that he couldn't sleep and wanted to see the result. In the last few days, we've taken a number of phone calls from family and friends in Germany and Austria regarding the Obama presidency and the hope that they are feeling.

    I'm looking forward to being able to visit them next month without the first question being something about Bush and wondering why elected him in the first place.

  8. Ummm, me. Twice. Wait one...

    Yep, the bride, too. Wait...

    Yep, the moms, too...

    Yep, the grandmom, too.

    That's eight ballots cast. Wait...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 4 times in the Cassidy household. Mr. Cates obviously does not do his homework well(or is that "good", I never can remember).
