Sunday, November 02, 2008

Disappointed. Already.

I made the mistake of watching Saturday Night Live last night thinking that Ben Affleck and John McCain on the same show might be funny.

It wasn't, and I had to sit through an incredibly unimaginative pelting of McCain's fear mongering commercials to find out.

In the middle of it, I see Richard Nixon. And Elvis. And an old photo of Bill Cochran smoking a cigarette. Apparently, I was supposed to be outraged that taxes have been raised since 1974 and believe that dead people are somehow forced to write checks posthumously to pay them.

Recognizing the text and images as the same tripe that's been stacked in my mailbox lately, the only outrage I felt was directed at the state Republican party for not honoring Ed Clere's request to stop the insulting cannonade.

Then I saw "Paid for by" at the bottom of the screen. And that wasn't funny, either.


  1. I think that both Bill Cochran's seat, and his reputation, are safe from the smear campaign, and the attack TV ad by Clere. Just to note that the TV ad comparison shows Nixon...a Republican. In 1974, both of my parents smoked...a lot of people did Dad was even working in Kaiser's Tobacco store on Pearl Street at that time. I voted for Bill back in the 70's, 80's, 90's..etc...and I will now too.I too get the daily wipe from the Republican Clere...and other Republican candidates. I'm a registered Democrat, and I will always be a Democrat. Maybe Clere's campaign song should be the tune of the song Desperado.

  2. Look for more this afternoon on the same topic.

  3. Same reaction - mediocre comedy + slimy negative ads = a big waste of time. Thankfully no nightmares to report about the evils of socialism. The irony of Republicans socializing the financial system while screaming Obama is going to turn our country socialist.

  4. I think the Ed Clere/Republican ads are pretty tasteless too.

    However, I thought that McCain's appearance on SNL was truly amusing - he was as charismatic as he could have been, and I actually thought that if he wasnt so angry all the time, he might actually be a likeable guy. I have him points for pulling it off.
