Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Develop New Albany's e-mail list is a good way to keep up on downtown events and activities.

NAC makes every effort to keep its readers informed about goings-on in and around downtown New Albany, but it isn’t always possible to be exhaustive. The blog’s a part-time unpaid gig, and items of interest regularly slip through the cracks because we're too busy elsewhere.

As suggested to NAC by Debbie Farmer, president of Develop New Albany, there is another, steadily evolving way to place yourself somewhat within the downtown informational loop: The Develop New Albany e-mailing list.

Dan Neel of CyberTek administers the list, and he relays topical notices to list members as the information comes to him. Of course, no mechanism is perfect, but on busy weeks the bulletins can come almost daily. The Develop New Albany mailing list has grown quite large, and there is movement afoot to further develop these on-line tools into an expanded downtown news format. There’ll be more on that angle at another time.

For now, you can sign up at developna.org, or e-mail your request to be included on the list to renaissance@developna.org.

Develop New Albany asks for a name and phone number along with your e-mail address. You will not be contacted or solicited unless there is a bounce-back problem with your e-mail address.

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