Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Albany's famous! We're a disaster area! Instead of Joe the Plumber, we have David the Racist!

Bluegill posted the following as a comment on Saturday evening. It deserves marquee status, especially given yesterday's discussion.

While it's always depressing and embarrassing to live among cultural conservatives, it takes the proverbial cake for one of them to confide racism to a reporter from an internationally recognized newspaper. That's honesty ... and abject stupidity.

I wonder if Ward voted for Dan Coffey?


As much as I hate to post it-- from today's Chicago Tribune, which refers to us as "the culturally conservative south":

Cultural issues are powerful forces in southern counties currently represented by two Democrats in Congress, Brad Ellsworth and Baron Hill, each elected in 2006. For Kenneth Hodge, a muffler shop employee who lives in New Albany, the most important issue is gun ownership. He'll be voting for McCain because "I like my guns" and he's afraid Obama will take them away.

For others, like David Ward, who runs an antique shop with his wife in New Albany, the issue is race. Ward, a registered Democrat, said he will vote for McCain "mainly because he's not black."

GOP stronghold Indiana a surprise toss-up


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Unless you're going to use the numbers to make pleasant phone calls filled with a logical unemotional argument against racism, your hating racists isn't too different than them hating people of different races.
    The man may have been born racist and have no way of changing it.
    I happen to think it is despicable, but as long as he doesn't act on his racism (against other people), he is more than entitled to believe and talk about it. He's even allowed to vote on it.

  3. I do leave it to Roger and Jeff to censor...

    I've opened a conduit at Open Salon if anyone wants to sample national reactions to our shame and our attempts to deny that New Albany is the latest home to intolerance.

    Will this be a game-changer? On second thought, this isn't a game. It's deadly serious.

  4. Shock. Shame. That's my reaction. I've withdrawn the publication of detailed information on New Albany's shame-attractor.

    But I'll repost its first graf:

    Ummm...Dan Coffey sold what is now Main Street Antiques to Brenda (Mrs. David) Ward, according to the Tribune.

  5. I guess I'm not too surprised, to be honest. Old habits die hard and this guy apparently felt it would be important to voice an opinion regarding race. It just goes to show we still have alot of work as a people to overcome this ignorance.

  6. Let me also say this...

    The fact that Indiana is even considered a toss up state this late in the game is an indicator, to me, of how powerful the message is that Obama is bringing and how dissatisfied the country as a whole is with the last 8 years and the prospects of a McCain/Palin presidency. I think it is showing that people are truly tired of politics as usual, shown by the fact that McCain's poll numbers went down after his constant Bill Ayres attacks.

    Maybe there is some HOPE after all...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The Constitution says, "We The People". It doesn't say, "We The White People". I'm white..I'm voting for Barack Obama because I think he offers the hope, and the idea, and the voice of reason to this country at a point in history when we are at a crossroads. This is the 21'st century, not the 19th or early to mid 20th century. I guess the antiquity doesn't stop with products..but also in thoughts.
