Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Fascists donate to McCain, Communists to Obama. I'm suppressing a yawn.

I was taken to task yesterday after posting Keith Olbermann’s brilliant commentary.

casualobsever said...

As noted and commented on another local blog, you would be far more credible if you actually chose political opinions from someone other than one of the most liberal reporters currently working and associated with the most liberal news organization.

The radical left rantings are really not going to sway anyone's opinion that may be sitting on the fence.

Hmm, couldn’t I say exactly the same thing about radical right rantings?

And, might that be precisely the point I’m trying to make by countering Dr. Dan’s diatribes with purposefully selected ones of my own?

Could be, although irony plays in America about as well as team handball.

Consider that our local blogging physician, who used to periodically discuss medicine and health, has staked a bold claim:

The health of Floyd County as well as the nation will be drastically different depending on who gets elected. This site, unlike the mainstream media, will have a conservative slant and will have commentaries that may not be read in other places.

There may be a reason why, but no matter. He’s picking his spots, and I’m picking mine. It strikes me that in this context, any list of media sources purged of the implied contagion of liberalism – these presumably being the ones acceptable to both Dr. Dan and the dissenting writer – might well prove to be just as biased from a rightist perspective as any emanating from the left -- and consequently, unacceptable to me.

So, what would they have me do, visit World Net Daily?

(WNT, by the way, once published a column asserting that the Wall Street Journal’s conservative leaning is a “myth” because, among other offenses, too many gays work for the newspaper. WNT is an anti-Obama "news" source. Imagine that.)

If I had the temerity to cite Frank Rich or even Bob Woodward, it probably wouldn’t pass muster, and accordingly, the crux to me is this: At the current juncture in the presidential campaign, who in America can really be said to remain "sitting on the fence” in the sense of being open to any form of rational persuasion?


That’s another story, especially as it pertains to voting against Barack Obama for being black, or for John McCain because he reminds someone in the hinterlands of his dear departed grandfather.

The false positive of culture wars aside, the “health of Floyd County as well as the nation” has to do with economic matters, and if you believe that Nancy Peolosi bears more responsibility for the current mess than George W. Bush, there are two probable consequences.

First, you’ll be voting McCain/Palin, and no source I manage to uncover will change your mind.

Second, I have one big ass bridge to sell you. It doesn’t go anywhere, but it’s cheap … and you can charge it to your credit card.

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