Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dave Matthews: Republican foundational ideals include equality for all regardless of race, creed, age, sex or national origin.

As in the past, Floyd County GOP Chairman Dave Matthews has responded promptly and concisely following yesterday's appeal for our governing and economic development entities to unite against racism in our community: In it together?


Thanks for your email requesting my comments. Ultimately, I think blogs like yours will become the avenue through which we will be able to actually conduct a dialogue on issues like race, religion and politics. Keep the discussion going.

When I became the Floyd County Republican Party chairman, I inherited a lot of materials that have been used through the years. One of the most useful is a brochure titled, "I Am a Rebublican Because." Both Republican and Democrat Parties continue to fluctuate from political ideals to adapt to social changes and, sadly sometimes, just to win votes. As a bit of an idealist, however, I like to try to draw us back to the foundational ideals that we drift from all too often.

With regard to the recent "race" issue brought out by one of our local New Albanians in this year's political election, let me quote from this brochure to let you know ... at least ideally ... what Republicans believe.

"I am a Republican because I believe in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, age, sex or national origin." Additionally, "I am a Republican because I believe that good government is based on the individual and that each person's ability, dignity, freedom and responsibility must be honored and recognized."

I am thankful that I now have a counterpart in the Democrat Party who can speak up and eloquently express many views that we can agree on. Obviously, the above quotes open up serious topics of discussion for future political debate ... not least of which would include the impact of race on this election, generational points of view and everyone's first ammendment rights to free speech.

In the end, I must recommend to all Floyd County residents that, just like all other elections, they need to be educated on the candidates, know what they believe and propose and vote for whom they think is the best man or woman for the job. I hope that will include lots of Republicans.

Sincerely yours,

Dave Matthews
Chairman, Floyd County Republican Party
Candidate, Floyd County Commissioner


  1. I appreciate your comments, Dave. It's unfortunate that they were necessary.

    Still, you couldn't resist misnaming the other party, could you? It is the Democratic Party, not the "Democrat" party.

  2. In this time of racial division, we must not break down into bickering about the semantics of Democrat vs. Democratic party.

    We have greater issues at hand.

  3. In this time of racial division, we must not break down into slipping sucker punches to advance a conservative agenda. It's the Democratic Party. Always has been, always will.

    Mr. Matthews and Mr. Summers endorse the trivializing of the issue with the sophomoric "Democrat" meme. It is, after all, the RNC and the McCain campaign who are rubbing the race lamp in hopes the division genie will pop out on election day.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Had I caught it, I'd have edited. I didn't, so I won't.

    To me, at this time, it isn't a big issue.

    Let's move on, please. We're awaiting recognition from both city and county council, and county commissioners, as to the issue at hand being important.

  6. And, to expand upon the preceding, should I trust that e-mail addresses for presidents Gahan, McCallister and Bush (as gleaned from the web) are accurate, or should I go ahead and mail to all members of the three bodies?

    Your opinions, please.

  7. I have never trivialized this issue, and I do not know how you would be compelled to say that I have. I find this issue very pertinent in current events, and it is truly unfortunate that it is after so many years.

    I was the one that stated we had much greater issues at hand than to discuss semantics.

  8. It does hearten me that the chairs of both major parties in Floyd County agree that racism is wrong. I do appreciate Mr. Matthews' comments on this.

  9. I agree with John Manzo.

    The New Albany Tribune has joined LEO and The Ville Voice in condemning racist ignorance. See the new post atop the marquee.


  10. Don't count on the Gahan address as being accurate.

  11. One went through sans bounceback, but the other didn't.

    Not that he's been responding to much of anything lately, anyway.

    This may be a job for John Gonder. Somehow I'm having trouble imagining Cappuccino leading the charge.

    Anyone have addresses for the Commissioners? I have Freiberger, not Bush and Seabrook.

  12. Roger,

    I'd sugguest going thru any third party contacts you may have for the (cough/choke)local leaders in question just to eliminate their standard operating;"this is the first I've heard of-----"


  14. good words from Dave Matthews, I noticed he said equal rights, justice etc for all even in regards to differences in creed, which implies religious tolerance, however, I believe his statements to the courier journal of oct. 23rd about his candidacy for county commissioner and his call to politics based on a christian's mission and that Floyd County needs spiritual leadership speaks volumes of his hidden christian political agenda.

    Sorry Dave but you lost your credibilty today with me.

  15. Here's the passage to which EW refers.

    Matthews, 54, a UPS airline captain, is head of the Floyd County Republican Party. He said he wants to use his executive experience to "bring about needed changes" to the budget and other areas. He added, "Christians need to be more involved in government, and the county is in dire need of spiritual leadership."

    Matthews said "progressive thinking" will be needed to address a decrease in funding from property taxes, adding that the budget needs to be "simplified." He said he would "think outside the box" to serve youth and solve other problems.

  16. I don't often agree with EW, but this time I do.

    I'm not anti-Christian. I believe the practice of religion and government should be separate. He's advocating the combination of the two. I know that we don't have large Jewish, Muslim, or "other" populations, but don't these people count, too? What about the agnostics? Will Mr. Matthews represent the "others" in our county?

  17. Dave Matthews sent the following clarification to me and asked me to post it for him. Thanks, Dave.

    There is really no way you can win a discussion like this. I do believe Christians have for too long not been involved in helping make a difference in our government. However, it appears that a specific comment was written in this article completely out of context with my thoughts and it does not reflect my true views of what a political leader should be.

    I do not even remember saying that "the county is in dire need of spiritual leadership." I agree that is what churches and ministers are for...not what we vote for in our political leaders.

    If elected, I certainly do not intend to hold church services during County Commissioner meetings. And that type of comment would surely suggest that I do not think current spiritual leadership from our churches is sufficient....again, nothing could be further from the truth. Let me simply say that I believe a good political leader should be one who has a secure moral foundation from which to lead. Our nation was founded on that type of leadership.

  18. Assuming that Mr. Matthews is still reading this thread...

    "Let me simply say that I believe a good political leader should be one who has a secure moral foundation from which to lead."

    Could an agnostic or aetheist qualify in your eyes?

  19. Excuse the spelling.

    I really want to believe Mr. Matthews. What little contact that I have had with him has been refreshingly open and direct.

  20. how can Dave not remember saying the county is in dire need of spiritual leadership, wasn't it a direct quote? I dont buy it, particularly in light of his religious zeolet anti choice, right to lifer vice chairman of the floyd county republican party.

    Mr Matthews has attempted to disguise himself as a moderate but the freudian slip of the tongue has revealed his true colors, right wing christian activist who will mix church and govt. when given an opportunity.

    I vote Freighberger for commissioner

  21. For the record, the vice chairman of the Floyd County GOP is listed on the party's web site as Cheryl Matthews.

  22. correction, I meant the right wing anti choice secretary melanie adams. I do not know cheryl's political ideology, I had Melanie ocnfused as vice chairman
