Thursday, October 23, 2008

Clere: "I am interested in substance, and no postcard can change that."

Ed Clere just sent this, so let's move the discussion to this updated posting.


When I looked at yesterday’s mail, I winced. I had no prior knowledge of the postcard featuring a dirty, knife-wielding hand, and my immediate reaction was visceral. I’m sure that was the intent. The piece was conceived, produced and paid for by an arm of the Indiana Republican Party, and I did not know it was coming until it arrived in my mailbox.

I have been trying to run a positive campaign. Anyone who has heard me talk will agree that my focus is on what I would do, not on what Bill Cochran has or hasn’t done. A particular 1994 vote (the subject of the mailer), whether right or wrong, is of little relevance to me or any other reader of this blog. We are concerned about the future, and we vote based on substantive information, not scare tactics.

Far too many voters, however, vote based on misinformation and exaggerated, out-of-context claims. Our discourse is reduced to sound bites and colorful postcards that inflame rather than inform. In August, I challenged Bill Cochran to a series of debates, and he declined. The vacuum that remains is filled with assumptions, prejudices, “name recognition” and, yes, postcards.

I have contacted the state party and expressed my concerns about the mail piece. I don’t know what else, if anything, may be on the way. I hope any future pieces will focus on me and what I hope to accomplish in Indianapolis. I can’t guarantee they will.

I was a reader of this blog long before I was a candidate for state representative, and I can guarantee that I will continue to read it and to weigh and value the opinions of all. I am interested in substance, and no postcard can change that.

Ed Clere
812-987-4333 (cell)


  1. Ed, I know for a fact that this (these) mailings have cost you votes. Those who don't know you may not consider whom these were intended to benefit. Those who are suspicious of your party will find it hard to separate you from them.

    You're in a tough spot. I heard a perfectly plausible conspiracy theory this week - let Ed, the candidate, take the high road while the party apparatus slimes his opponent. In fact, when and if Ed denounces them, he'll look better in the eyes of those who do know him.

    We've received a different attack flier every day for a week. It would have been far more effective if the party had sent five fliers touting your positives.

  2. I’ve closed thousands of real estate deals in Southern Indiana over the past five years. I’ve closed many with ethical realtors, many with unethical realtors and many with realtors whose ethics fall somewhere in between.

    In real estate deal, the realtors, attorneys and lenders have all of the knowledge and power. The attorneys and lenders rely on referrals from realtors; attorneys and lenders will never second guess a realtor’s actions. The client, the person buying or selling their home, the person “signing their life away,” usually is ignorant of the process and too often misses out because of the realtor’s laziness and/or greed. I’ve closed a number of deals where afterwards my hunch was that the mortgage broker and realtor had bent the rule to get their commissions. Because of the client’s ignorance of the process, the client usually does not realize that they were not well represented.

    With absolutely no reservations, I can say that in my many closings with Ed, I never once have suspected a hint of:

    1. Fraud or other lack of honesty,
    2. Incompetence, or
    3. Realtor self interest before client interest.

    Ed has been honest and looked out for others when no one was looking. He was honest when there was no penalty to do otherwise.

    I do not know who sent the fliers or what Ed knew about them beforehand. However, given my years of dealings with Ed, dealing with him before a campaign was contemplated, it would violate everything I know about the man to think he had anything to do with these fliers.

    Not only do I know Ed to be honest, I know him to be hard working. I’ve seen Ed in action at Develop New Albany meetings and Habitat for Humanity meetings. He is not a passive board member just building his political resume; he is active and engaged. In New Albany, I’ve found Ed to be everywhere while I’ve seen Bill Cochran only once.

    While most of my votes this November will be for Democrats, one will be for Ed Clere.

  3. First, I do not know Mr. Clere. Obviously, some of my friends here do and seem to think rather highly of him. Still, I have to ask the following questions.

    1. Apparently, there have been several "attack" fliers. Why, just now, the contacting of the state Republican Party about them?

    2. Mr. Clere does not know what, if any, additional fliers are on the way? Why not? Someone knows.

    I'm not trying to be negative. As I stated above, people that I respect, seem to respect Mr. Clere. I think these 2 questions are germane to his post.

  4. Dan, thank you for stepping forward for Ed. Many times, people assume that since I am a Republican candidate and precinct committeeman, that I am a complete Republican homer.

    Simply stated, this is not the case. I will be splitting my ticket to ensure that the best candidates are voted for--not just Republicans. I have blatantly campaigned for several Democratic candidates throughout this campaign season.

    When I put my support behind Ed and other candidates, I do not do so lightly. It is my ultimate goal to have a better government--not just a government full of Republicans.

    I am glad that so many other people are standing up for the character of Ed Clere. He deserves these endorsements because he is the right candidate at the right time.

  5. I'll step up here for Ed as well. We were fortunate enough to first meet Ed when he sold us our house here on Elm.

    From the minute we met him we knew we liked him (and if you know Adam you know thats a big deal, ha).

    Ed was upfront with us about everything going on with the house, all the challenges we might face, and you could tell he really appreciated the older houses.

    After buying our house, we ran into Ed everywhere at meetings, on boards, on committees. He's an active player in the downtown community.

    He even took the time to stop by the house and meet with me one evening to discuss a project that I was working on for my job, something that he would have had no gain in.

    As others have said, while Ed may be a Republican, and I myself a Democrat, Ed still represents MANY of the things that I find to be important and relevant.

    I find it pretty easy to believe Ed when he says he knew nothing about the mailers, don't kid yourself here ladies and gentlemen into thinking that the candidates are fully aware of everything their state and national parties do, on all sides of the ticket.

    Thanks Ed, for responding and confirming the respect I already held for you.

  6. It was my understanding, and I believe that I have confirmed it via research, that candidates cannot legally coordinate with groups outside their campaign to produce propaganda that is paid for outside of the campaign committee's funds. This means that the HRCC acted alone in there attack/scare postcards.

    Again, we, as candidates, cannot legally coordinate with entities like the HRCC or 527s. We cannot tell them to produce positive literature or negative literature. They are completely autonomous.

  7. Larry,
    Does that prohibit a candidate from asking them not to?

    By the way, read your responses in the Tribune and was impressed. Good luck.

  8. Knowing that he neither produced nor condones the autonomous mailings, the problem from Ed's standpoint is highlighted by the Cochran brochure we received today from the Indiana Democratic Party.

    The assertions may or may not be true, but the talking points are positive. Cochran will fight high gas prices, improve health care and improve the economy. He is a champion for working families and senior citizens.

    I can find nothing negative in it, unless the reader is employed by a petroleum conglomerate. The candidate is pictured in statesmanlike poses. The attitude is efficient and workmanlike.

    Again, I'm not saying that these assertions are beyond debate. They are not. Cochran himself would not debate them. But, taken as a whole, it's leaves an innocuous, comforting impression.

    By contrast, the Republican-produced mailings have been, well, completely tasteless. They produce an aura of sensationalist desperation and sleaze. Unfortunately, these qualities stick to the senders, not the candidate being slimed.

    Regrettably (for Ed), I have to agree that the negative Republican mailings might be doing more harm than good. What's more, it's the national political disgrace in a local nutshell. I wish Ed the best of luck in his campaign.

  9. I would like to see these groups saying that they are not affiliated with the candidate, just like a candidate says " I approve this message." This puts Ed in a tough spot. He would gladly accept the help from the state party, but this type of mailing is a set back. I have only known Ed for a short time, but his character is evident. I have no ill feelings toward Mr. Cochran. I urge everyone to make it known that Ed had nothing to do with this type of campaigning to their friends and urge all to base your vote on issues and ideas and not mailings from a state group.

  10. Just an FYI:

    I walked in on a university class today that was looking at political mailers. It was a photography/design exercise meant to analyze technique that had nothing to do with anyone's political leanings or for whom they would vote or not vote. Various mailings from both parties were being passed around.

    The "switchblade" mailer was immediately singled out as poorly conceived with students immediately saying their response was to vote for the other guy, even though a lot of them (especially the Kentuckians) didn't know anything about either candidate.

    After doing the usual disclaimers about not promoting either candidate, I let them know about Ed's statement under the general guise of fairness and informed voting. Many of them expressed relief but, of the state group said, "That sucks".

    If Ed gets elected, he's going to have a full time job combatting the folks for whom those types of "information" campaigns are business as usual.

    I'm not suggesting he's not up for it, only that I don't envy him for having to do it to keep his own name in good standing.

  11. IAH,

    From what I have gathered, you may request them to stop but they are not required to do so.

    Also, thank you. I wanted to give actual answers to the questions rather than tap dancing around the issue.

  12. Larry,
    I understand that they are not required to stop. However, you would think that the candidate's wishes would be strongly listened to, especially since it is an "arm" of the party. If the candidate does not have enough "weight" within the party to stop this or even find out if more is on the way, how much "weight" will he have if elected? To me, that is somewhat concerning.

    I can see where it could be harder with other 527s.

  13. Kudos to Mr Clere for speaking out against this fear-mongering. I will definitely consider him when pulling the lever this November.

  14. I had a chance to speak with Mr. Clere at the SEJNA meeting the other night. I approached him about an issue near and dear to my heart at the moment, privatization. I found his answer satisfying and I felt like he was someone who will actually listen to an opposing viewpoint without being dismissive. I appreciated his candor (refreshing, these days) while discussing the issue with me. He did something not seen very often anymore in politics...he looked me in the eye while he spoke to me. That says volumes to me.

    He has my vote on Nov. 4th.

  15. Today is Friday, Oct. 24th and I just received a robo call from "Pam" asking 3 questions: Do I plan to vote for Bill Cochran or Ed Clere; on the abortion issue, am I pro-life, pro-choice, or don't care; do I know that Bill Cochran has been in office 34 years, during which time he voted to raise gas taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, and even the "death" tax. And my answers will be confidential.
    I don't know Mr. Clere and he may not be responsible for these calls and the ugly fliers. But his Party is certainly not representing him well. Is the Republican Party just completely out of ideas?

  16. Following this from a distance, I now know Mr Clere is an ethical person, and Mr. Cochran has been in office 30+ years. Otherwise I'll assume they basically represent their respective parties agendas. As an independent voter that leaves me wondering - exactly what compels either candidate?

  17. I hate party labels, but in the primaries, you have to choose one and I chose democrat. Nevertheless, I prefer to vote for the person, not the party.

    I only just met Ed this year. What I've learned in such a short amount of time is that he truly cares about this community. Considering this is our own back yard, that's also what matters most to me.

  18. Unfortunately for Ed, these postcards may really hurt with undecideds. I have two friends who are pretty liberal, but were considering Ed after hearing me talk him up. They went to do early voting today and received one of these anti-Cochran flyers yesterday. They decided to vote against the Republicans more than for Cochran.

    It's apparent that the parties see a gain to be made by using these types of tactics, yet I've never known a voter to say that they like this type of negative campaigning.
