Friday, September 05, 2008

Or perhaps a window into a vapid soul?

You read it here.

Yesterday I predicted that on a light council agenda night, 1st district Neanderthal Dan Coffey would seize upon the proposed appointment of Brendan Brown to the Historic Preservation Commission as the pretext for another round of his self-serving, pathological caterwauling.

Tonight the council is being asked to approve an appointment to the Historical Preservation Commission, and this should provide the likes of Dan Coffey the opportunity to pontificate, grandstand and entertain the somnolent gallery with his trademark nonsensical banter. I'll be disappointed if he doesn't flash his Bazooka Joe degree in vinyl siding installation (permit, schermit ... cash is fine, ma'am).

But I was wrong about the vinyl. Coffey chose instead to make historic window guidelines his topic for finger-wagging sermonizing, and asked that the candidate be present to defend what he characterized as energy inefficient windows (that look out on on a world Coffey loathes) lest the traditionally permit-free contractor and rag picker be expected to learn something about the historic preservation guidelines that a previous edition of his own city council approved.

Brown was voted onto the commission, and Coffey was so supremely annoyed about the matter that he … that’s right: He abstained.

Raw courage, eh?

In a city packed to the brim with dull political blades, the butter in Coffey’s fridge need not worry about being sliced.

Meanwhile, I'm catching some z's, then I'll be back to describe council president Jeff Gahan's latest smoking-related skullduggery: "Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned/Nor hell a disingenuousness like Jeff Gahan scorned."

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